Chapter 32 - THE FUNERAL (Part 1)

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2 DAYS LATER - (Tues, 21 February 2023)

Giovanni's POV

I just arrived at the mansion, straight from my nightshift at the hospital with Aurora and Kiara, to meet Elijah here so we can speak to the little nurse we got downstairs locked in the torture room. Yeah, James had her locked in there when he was informed that she tried to kill Dante, who is the new Don now after his brother's death, and James have not left the torture room since, his just as messed up as all of us, if not more because he blames himself. In his mind he failed to do his job, because he drove off with the kids, Kiara and Aurora, instead of getting Steph in the car and to the hospital like he was suppose to.

He keeps saying he failed because he was the women's cover, instead of covering his boss, so yeah his a mess, even after we told him it wasn't his fault, he wouldn't hear of it and still blames himself and had requested to speak to Dante once his introduced as the Don and takes his official position, so he can request to retire, and we all know that there's only one way out, and that's death, and James's words were "that would be more than he deserved".

But if he feels strongly about this, I'll have to step in and advise Dante to let him go because we all know James would never betray us, if his not a member anymore. It'll be the second time we bend the rules, first time was with Roberto, when Steph dropped him in the middle of nowhere instead of killing him, it's what Steph would have wanted us to do, he would turn in his grave if he knew we allowed Dante to kill him. I'm not saying that's what Dante would do but at the moment his a mess and Lord only knew what he would do now, because his blaming everyone, especially himself.

"Did you find anything?" I asked as soon as I got in the surveillance room, where I knew I would find Elijah because he said he would come here to check if he can locate the owner of the Chevy that took Antonio, or locate where the six unmarked vans came from.

"No, the driver of the Chevy belonged to a dead FBI agent, whose body was found in a ditch the morning of the beach attack" he said, giving me a knowing look and I gritted my teeth.

"And the vans?" I asked him through gritted teeth.

"Nothing, it's like it fell out of thin air, either that or it was parked in the underground parking lot, blocks away from the beach for months because that's the only place the trail is leading me to" he said and I shook my head, this just can't be right, months? How did he know we would go to that beach or when we would be there?

"You know what, nothing makes sense here but I don't want to waste time trying to figure this shit out, when we have only one lead downstairs. I'm gonna go question her, are you coming?" I asked him and he stood up, grabbing his laptop and his keys and followed behind me.

"I hope you're not gonna hurt her?" Elijah said as we're making our way to the basement, but it came out more like a question, his sometimes a bit too good for his own good.

"If you're gonna ask me questions like that, or stop me from doing what needs to be done, then I suggest you either watch from the surveillance room OR you go to the hospital and pretend you didn't see me here, otherwise shut up and let me do my job" I said scanning my thumb, adding the code and then pulled the door open. "What's it gonna be?" I asked turning to him, with the door wide open.

"Fine, I won't say a thing" he said and then walked down the stairs first, like the little bitch he is.

I don't mean to be so hard on him but now really isn't the time to be thinking about the law and sworn oaths we took, or even about our manners and or rules that was set. Because none of these assholes thought about that when they attacked us, and I bet my life that this bitch downstairs, is with whoever is behind this, and they didn't care when they killed Melody, an innocent WOMAN! They didn't care, so why the fuck should I?!

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