Chapter 9 - THIS COULD BE IT!

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SAME DAY - (Mon, 28 November 2022)

Madeline's POV

"Uhm... Yeah, it's time that you know the truth" Dante says weirdly and I just nodded my head and went to sit down on his bed and he followed.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, he looked deep in thought and the only thing running through my mind while looking at him, is the fact that I know his thinking about how to reject me, in a nice way. You see I've known Dante for years and I know he doesn't like desperate women, he loves the chase, not being chased. And even with this knowledge, I still acted like a desperate fool but I have my reasons though because time is something I do not have as I wasted a lot of time searching for him and now that I found him, I don't have time to ease him into the idea of us and I definitely will not take no for an answer, his mine and I won't allow anyone to stand in my way of having what's rightfully mine!

"Maddie you know I love you right? You're my best friend, you were there for me when I lost my mom, you were there when I needed someone the most, when I was going through the hardest thing I could ever possibly go through. You took care of me, made sure I was fed, you made sure I got home safe after drinking myself into a coma. You did everything to make me feel better, even if it meant playing my wingman, even though you were in love with me which I had no knowledge of. You must know, had I known how you felt, I would have never done the things that I've done back then, I would have never rubbed it in your face the way that I did, granted it wasn't intentional but I can only imagine how many times I've hurt you.

I'm sorry that I didn't realize before. I'm sorry that I made you watch or listen to me screwing other women. I'm sorry I was so clueless back then to not see what my actions must've done to you. I'm sorry that I was so clueless to not see that you loved me. I'm just so sorry for everything" he says shaking his head and I was about to tell him that it's okay, when he lifted his finger to stop me and I just nodded for him to continue.

"And I'm sorry for what I'm about to tell you" he says and I felt my heart drop before he even said anything, I couldn't handle him rejecting me, he started off so good, I thought this was him wanting to give us a chance, a real chance.

"I want you to know that I don't want to hurt you, I'm messed up Maddie. You deserve someone that can give you everything, his heart, mind, body and soul. I can't, because all of me belongs to someone else. I'm in love with someone else, she took my mind, heart and soul 5 years ago. Everything I am, belongs to her, I can't give you none of that. I can't see you as anything other than my best friend and I don't want to lose that, I don't want to lose you, to lose us" he says and my heart broke into a million pieces, I wanted so bad to hit him, to scream, to hurt him in any way I could, just so he could feel how he had just ripped me apart and I know exactly who the fuck is to blame for this, AND I WILL NOT LET HER WIN! HIS MINE!!!

"If you had told me back then that you were in love with me, you know our friendship would have ended, right? If you would have made a move on me back then, without mentioning how you really feel about me, then sure I might have slept with you but that's where it would've ended. I wouldn't have gone in a relationship with you, to me it would've been a hook up, a one night stand, maybe even a mistake...

You know how I was back then but I'm not that man anymore. I want more in life, and you deserve more than that Mads, you wouldn't have deserved that treatment, if I gave into you in the bathroom, it wouldn't have changed anything. I would've seen it as a mistake and that would've broken you're heart and our friendship. I don't want that Maddie, I can't be with you when my mind and heart is with someone, that ain't fair to either of us, especially you. I hope you understand" he ends his long speech and I just looked at him with tears running down my face, can't he see that he just broke my heart? Can't he see how much I love him, and he wants me to understand!

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