Chapter 37 - You... BETRAYED ME!

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NEXT DAY - (Mon, 06 March 2023) AFTER MIDNIGHT

Stephano's POV

As I'm making way down the secret passageway that will lead me straight to my bedroom, I can't push out the uneasy feeling that creeps up on me the closer I get to the door. I know she will probably be asleep since it's so late and with her being pregnant, she gets tired easily and knowing how her previous two pregnancies went down, I'd say she was in bed fast asleep by 9 and will be up before five in the morning, if not four either due to a craving, or nausea, and later on in the pregnancy it'll be due to discomfort, or the babies kicking or simply because she's horny. That last part is what I enjoyed the most, waking up to her riding my cock.

Pushing open the door after unlocking it from the inside with the code, I stepped into the dark room, well not fully dark since my wife had her scented candles lit all around the room, and as I expected, she is fast asleep. Moving to the bed, I bend down and pecked her forehead and tucked the blanket over her again and made my way to couch closest to the bed so I can see her fully when she wakes, because I don't want to get in bed with her, not knowing if she's angry or what her reaction will be to seeing me here, even though she knows about me being alive, I can tell she's hurt and probably feels I betrayed her trust, judging by how swollen eyelids look, and how red her nose is. I fucked up this time and I hope she can forgive me and try to understand after I explained what really happened, maybe I should lead with that before begging for her forgiveness.

It's been three hours of me sitting here watching her sleep, I had a few glasses of scotch and worked out a little plan which Dante and I will deal with tonight, I think this is something we need to tackle on our own because that son of a bitch to...

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It's been three hours of me sitting here watching her sleep, I had a few glasses of scotch and worked out a little plan which Dante and I will deal with tonight, I think this is something we need to tackle on our own because that son of a bitch took our father from us, and by God his going to pay for that, he'll pay for shooting on my family, for petrifying my children and wife, and for taking my wife's best friend from her. And from what I heard about what happened to Aurora, I'm sure Dante has a bit more to avenge than I do, since his woman could have lost their baby.

I'm really impressed and proud of Dante, his figured this all out. He put this whole thing together and the more I thing about it, I'm convinced it's time for him to step up because he had proved himself over and over again how he can take charge and deal with shit that needs to be done. And I must admit Aurora has a lot to do with that because she is the reason my brother grew up, she's the one that stabled him or a more fitting word, tamed him and made him stronger, made him flourish and become the man I always knew was buried deep inside of his Playboy ways and I'm damn proud of him...

"Steph..." I was snapped out of my thoughts by my beautiful wife's sleepy voice, causing my eyes to snap her way and found her rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, but still kept her eyes trained on me, probably wanting to make sure I'm really here.

"Hey baby" I said with a small smile and I watched her lift herself into a sitting position and I immediately stood and went to sit in front of her on the bed as she leaned against the headboard.

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