Chapter 30 - How do one make that choice?!

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Hey guys, I want to dedicate this chapter to my dear friend Nootzers85 she is currently recovering from an emergency operation that she had a week ago and tests were run because doctors suspect it could be endometriosis cervical cancer, and I want to ask you all to please keep her in your prayers, so she can not only make a speedy recovery but also for those tests to come back negative, please guys if you do not mind, could we say a little prayer for her and her family. She was also the only one that was correct on one of her theories, she guessed correctly on who is working for the enemy from the inside of the hospital, which will be revealed in this chapter, so WELL DONE CANDICE 👏👏👏, you got it RIGHT!!! And this chapter is dedicated to you my friend, get well soon 😘 AND I WISH YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ALL THE BEST💜 Well that's it from me, hope you all enjoy...



SAME DAY - (Sat, 18 February 2023) HOURS EARLIER

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SAME DAY - (Sat, 18 February 2023) HOURS EARLIER

Aurora's POV

I'm currently laying in a hospital room with an IV in my arm, because of a damn flesh wound. Yeah the bullet grazed the back of my neck, don't ask me how but it did and because of this flesh wound, I lost a lot of blood, nothing I'm not use to. I'm so worried about the girls that was left on the beach and I'm worried sick about Dante and the rest of the guys, especially Steph because we all saw him falling down and my heart hurts for Kiara, Lord only knows how much she loves that man, I was in pain and weak from the loss of blood so I couldn't console her but she was a mess the way she was crying and screaming when we saw him being shot, I really hope his okay because she was beside herself.

Now here I lay, waiting on the doctor to return with my test results as he did a full check up as well as a blood test because my bleeding due to a grazed wound is abnormal and tests needed to be run, even after I told the doctor that I am fine and that all I needed him to do is check on my baby and to stitch up the wound and then I can be on my merry way but this doctor apparently only takes orders from the Romano men and me being with one, means that I needed to be checked thoroughly so he can have an accurate follow-up report to give to his "bosses".

I know I got lucky last time when Dr Jacobs, either forgot to mention his results to Dante or he actually respects doctor patient confidentiality but I'm afraid the doctor that's currently seeing to me, is more afraid of his bosses then losing his license because it's pretty clear that his doing all this "excessive testing", so he can report my results back to his "bosses". And I can't have them finding out about my disorder, I tried hiding it for the past few years and now I'm afraid this Dr Brennan is going to reveal my not so pretty "medical condition" as my doctor in LA called it.

"Mrs Romano" I was brought out of my thoughts by the doctor, surprising me by the name he called me, Mrs Romano...?

"Doctor, surely you know that Dante and I are not married, and I'm Aurora Taylor?" I said but it came out as a question instead and the doc looked taken aback but nodded nonetheless.

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