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Hey guys just a few quick important notes about the Epilogue... Firstly, I had to split the Chapter into two parts, not just because of it's length if I didn't split it but also because of the limit on the amount of media we are allowed to use in each chapter, and if I didn't split it I wouldn't have been able to add all the pictures and songs I prepared for the very last chapter of Taming Aurora. Secondly this chapter will solely be in Aurora's POV, and Part two will solely be in Dante's POV, so remember this Epilogue is solely based on the couple, sure there will be a few built-ups that needs to be remembered for book 4, but other than that, it's just about them.

Lastly, you guys might notice in this two chapters and in Book 4 as well as the Bonus Book, that two specific little boys will be playing as Dante and Aurora's son, Antonio Oliver Romano, I'm informing you beforehand because I don't want any confusion in future reference, the baby that plays as their son is in fact Chris Perceval A.k.a Dante's real new born son, and the slightly older blonde boy is his nephew in real life, so since I have lots of pictures with Dante holding either of the boys I chose to use both, or in the epilogue only so please don't get confused and read with an open mind thanks 😘

Well that's basically it from me for now, there won't be much dialogue, it's just both main characters will be telling you how things are going with them and the family, and close to the end there will be a little dialogue in both parts so please ...

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Well that's basically it from me for now, there won't be much dialogue, it's just both main characters will be telling you how things are going with them and the family, and close to the end there will be a little dialogue in both parts so please don't get annoyed, like I said read with an open mind and please take note of the built-ups. Hope you guys enjoy the last of Aurora, well the last for this book anyway 😉




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Aurora's POV

I'm currently sitting on the lounge chair, on the balcony of our gorgeous beach side mansion in Ostia Metropolitan City of Rome. I absolutely love sitting on the balcony looking over the ocean, it's so peaceful and the air is always fresh and oceany, if that's even word. When we moved here 8 months ago, I couldn't believe the beauty of our new home, well it's new to me and Oli, but not so new to my hubby, since this is his mansion he purchased around the same time Steph bought his place in Sicily and maybe every other City in Italy too. The place is beautiful, not as massive as the estate grounds but it's huge, too big for our little family, but according to Dante's "dreams" we'll have this place stocked with little feet in due time.

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