chapter one ♛ new life

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When Leia Organa sent me to Naboo six years ago, almost to the date, I was certain I would called be back to fight alongside the Resistance within months

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When Leia Organa sent me to Naboo six years ago, almost to the date, I was certain I would called be back to fight alongside the Resistance within months. I kept my comlink with me at all times, every day since then, hoping and praying that they would finally need me... but to no avail.

Even sadder than that, I had only one person on the entirety of this planet who I could vent my true frustrations to, the only one who knew of my true identity- but it is near impossible to find alone time with her.

"Hale, the queen has requested that you set her hair this morning in place of her maid." Derlei once again enters my chambers without my permission, something she has certainly begun to make an annoying habit of. I glance at her petite figure, standing just inside. She had always wanted the title I held long even before I held it, but she sadly wasn't quite up to regulation height. So, she became a glorified messenger, relaying information to residents and guests of the palace by holo, or in this case, on foot.

"I'll be only a moment." I dismiss, waving my hand once. I shrug on the cloak of the handmaidens' coordinated Tuesday outfit, slipping the comlink in my pocket. I check that my weapon of choice is nestled safely at my hip under my multiple layers one last time, before leaving the room brusquely.

I make it to the queen's door quickly, and I stand outside waiting to be announced.

"Lady Hale Quaye, your majesty." Announces her page.

"Hale!" She throws open the door from behind her page, grabbing my wrist and pulling me inside.

"That was hardly proper!" I tease, the astonished look on the page's face after witnessing our exchange sending us into a fit of girlish giggles. I follow her to her elaborate vanity and she settles into her chair, facing her mirror.

"I love your hair today, Hale. Could you set mine that way?" She makes small talk, the reflection of her flinty eyes boring into my own. Her hair, an identical shade of white-blonde to mine, hangs loose over her shoulders, ready to be fiddled with.

When I escaped to Naboo, I dyed my hair to match hers so that we may look more similar, as is custom of Nabooian handmaidens- and it didn't hurt anything when it came to hiding my true identity.

The pair of us subtly wait for the rest of the staff in the room to slowly clear out, and I weave her hair together in the meantime. The second the last maid ducks out of the room, I speak.

"It's nearly 6 years to the day, Nikana." I say, sparing the formalities as I address my closest friend. She turns in her chair, looking to me with honest sympathy.

"I can't believe it's been so long. Are you holding up okay?" She furrows her eyebrows, putting her hand over my own comfortingly. "Do you miss them?" She adds a beat later.

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