chapter nine ♛ his door

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We don't see each other for days after that early morning exchange

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We don't see each other for days after that early morning exchange. Four days, exactly- but it's not as if I'm keeping track.

A stormtrooper appears at my door every day at meal times, bringing me something to eat. The food here is nothing to write home about, and someday when I get away from this awful place I'll quickly forget it. Surprisingly, I am now close to convincing the trooper to be my friend, as he is always the same one to appear and I have no one else to talk to.

Today, I decided to follow him for a while as he made his rounds as means to entertain myself.

"You know, FD-3401 is such a mouthful." I decide while falling in step beside him, his given name feeling strange and almost wrong coming out of my mouth.

"It's still my name." Replies FD immediately. He nods respectfully to a superior he passes, his grasp briefly tightening on my upper arm to maintain the ruse that he is transporting me as a prisoner (which, technically, I still am).

"I'm going to call you Freddie from now on." I grin, breaking out of the act, my eyes focused on the side of his mask. He turns his head to look at me, and I swear I hear a low chuckle emitted from his modifier.

"I like that... I think." He shifts his blaster in his hand, his tone ringing almost thoughtfully. "It looks like we've already made it back." He adds, and I finally notice that we've returned to the door that separates my room from the rest of the corridor.

"Huh." I articulate, a twinge of disappointment tickling inside my chest.

I'll have nothing to do once again from the moment I step inside, and such boredom and inactivity leaves just enough room for those lost to me to slip painfully back into the forefront of my mind. I might go mad if I'm forced to cope with this much empty time to let the thoughts cloud my head for much longer.

"I enjoyed your company, ma'am." Freddie seems to audibly push me closer, like a parent nudging their child towards their first time facing the galaxy on their own without the comforting anchor of a helping hand. Still, I take the hint.

"I told you already, call me Lyra." I smile faintly, not alluding to the sense of foreboding that disturbs me. I disappear into said room before he even has the chance to answer.

I glance over the room, trying to locate my holo, when my eyes catch on something resting on my bed, in stark contrast to the black duvet that covers it. Warning bells begin to chime in my mind as I step towards it.

Once I'm there, I feel the soft lavender wool between my fingers, scrutinizing the frayed edges at the sleeves. A good kind of damage, the kind that only comes from loving something too much.

Why is it here?

I think back to the last time I had seen it, in a heap in the middle of the floor, left by Ren after he'd stormed away from me. I left it there after that- I didn't even touch it.

Why is it here?

I hold it in my lap as I sit cross-legged at the edge of my bed, mulling it over. I decide that I need to talk to Ren, and soon.


I get up from my spot on the bed, the sweater clutches tightly in my fist, then I retreat from the room.

"Hey, uh," I stop one of the many passerby, another stormtrooper at the edge of the sea.

"What is it?" Is their reply, and I momentarily feel bad that I had disrupted him while he was in the middle of whatever duty he had been assigned to do.

"Show me... to Kylo Ren's.. chambers?" It ends as sort of a question, and doubt wells up in my chest.

"Yeah right, prisoner scum." He spits, attempting to shoulder past me. A thought crosses my mind, something I remember from training. I immediately try to peer into the part of the helmet where his eyes are.

"You will lead me to Kylo Ren's chambers." I pan.

A beat of silence.

Then, "I will lead you to Kylo Ren's chambers." He repeats, already turning on his heel. I smile victoriously at the back of the trooper's helmet as I follow him in earnest.

The wing of the base that we eventually enter is uncomfortably silent. The stormtroopers passing by had slowly began to thin out, until their presence is altogether absent.

Through our connection I can sense the darkness, the wrath, anger and despair emanating from his room before the trooper even reveals to me which one it is. This realm of the Force leaves a sour taste in my mouth, a rope cooked around my lungs squeezing the life out of me.

Damp... somber.

The trooper halts in front of the correct door. I relinquish the hold I had over him, and he scurries away.

I know Ren can sense me, just as I sense him. His heartbeat, steadily looming at the back of my mind, another painful reminder that he is still human.

Bile rises in my throat. I swallow it away.

I raise my fist to the door, but it opens before I can make any contact.

"What are you doing here?" He spits.


i rlly wanted to post this chapter but i think i accidentally deleted part of it so idk??? i'll let u know if i did asap so u can read the rest lol, that's why it's shorter

also sorry for waiting so long to post, i've had this chapter written for a while i just kept forgetting to post bc it's spring break!

i made a new twitter @kyioner so follow me there!

let me know what u thought of this chapter! not a lot of lyra n kylo/ben but the next chapter will be full of it, i'll update soon :D


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