chapter thirteen ♛ don't go

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I wake up from a nap to flashes of blinding red light, the shrill wail of sirens deafening.

I sit up, startled, my knees wobbly from sleep as I attempt to scramble from my bed. I slip a pair of pants hastily on, and as I'm trying and failing to pull boots over my feet while my hands tremble, the door slips open with a menacing hiss. This sudden, unexpected appearance frightens me and I fall on my butt, my face burning with embarrassment.

"You need to evacuate." A domineering stranger barks from the entryway. Outside, troopers, officers, droids, nurses, and any other inhabitants of the base alike rush in the same direction, the panicky feeling they're each exuding hitting me like a wall.

I immediately begin to grasp at what's happening, although the reasoning behind it all is still completely unclear to me.

"Just give me a minute." I blurt, sweat starting to bead on my forehead. I try to stuff a few basic things in a pack I found in the closet, just in case I might need them in the near future. Secretly I'm also doing this to stall, as I haven't decided if I should trust this complete stranger to lead me to safety.. or with my life, if it truly came to it.

I'm fully aware that now's not the time or place for deep contemplation, yet here I am.

"Lyra, now." They order angrily, as if I'm some kind of juvenile halfwit. I look up at them so quickly I feel a white-hot crick in my neck. The tone, even modified through their strange mask (not unlike Kylo's) sounds eerily familiar.

I bite my lip and search for the last few things I decidedly need at an even quicker pace.

I shove my lightsaber, which I had somehow managed to steal back when Kylo was busy with his duties, into my bag. The cool metal of the hilt is a stark contrast to my warm, clammy palms. Lastly, after a moment's hesitation, I shift the lavender sweater on over my thin tank top.

"Okay.." I drawl, finally approaching the strange man who had appeared to retrieve me.

He starts down the corridor immediately, skirting the edges of the large crowd that had materialized. His long strides keep me practically running to keep up with him, and I silently thank the Force that I am at least in the best shape to do so.

Or, so I thought.

I'm caught off guard as a wave of searing pain impacts me as immediately as a punch to the stomach, and I cry out, my voice cutting through the endless nervous chatter of those surrounding us like a knife. I heave for a moment then stop, doubling over.

My blaster wound from some time ago had somehow managed to split open again, likely credited to the intense amount of effort I was putting forth. I collapse jarringly onto my knees over the tiles, the throng splitting around me as if I were a new rock dropped into a stream, interrupting its flow.

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