chapter twenty three ♛ the gala

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I had just managed to slip into the gown I had procured for the gala under Kylo's authority when a knowing shiver eases over my spine, followed by a strong pair of knocks at the door

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I had just managed to slip into the gown I had procured for the gala under Kylo's authority when a knowing shiver eases over my spine, followed by a strong pair of knocks at the door.

I purse my lips and glance into the mirror one final time for any loose pieces in my elaborate hairstyle or smudged makeup. When I find none, I allow myself to smile at how beautiful the gown manages to make my bone-thin, ridiculously pale body look. I touch the red, twisted skin of one of my burn scars that peeks out under the glittery golden strap, deciding to look away before any hateful thoughts are given the chance to cloud my mind.

As I approach the door, I adjust the gold bangle at my wrist which holds a delicate replacement for my missing, burned finger in place.

I could never even dream of forgetting that night, as my body served as a permanent reminder of all I had lost.

And as Kylo gazed upon me, he too would never be able to forget.

The heaviness tugging at my heart over the somber contemplation managed to whither back into its place in the shadows as I felt how near he was, now that I finally let the door hiss open.

I freeze in front of him, drinking in his appearance as he surely does the same. He'd put on a nicer tunic than the robes he typically wore, the black fabric shining faintly in the light. His long sleeves are smooth, as opposed to ribbed, and a charming side-cape billows over his right arm. He'd even tamed his curls, the dark locks smoothed away from his expressive face, the bottom of his ears poking out ever-so-slightly. The scar that broke jaggedly through his features had somehow managed to make him more handsome.

A faint blush has warmed his ivory cheeks, and I take notice immediately.

"You look..." And he trailed off then, his jaw twitching as his beautiful eyes slowly slipped over me. If it were anyone else I would've immediately covered myself, the movement unwelcome and rendering me self conscious, but because it was Ren, I only felt warmth.

"No mask?" I remark teasingly, reaching out to grasp his arm, which he dutifully accepts, lacing his fingers with mine in the process.

"I didn't think you'd like it." He admits after a moment, glancing at me several times. The corners of my mouth lilt up as I settle on surveying the corridor and its scarce passerby.

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