chapter twenty one ♛ seeing stars

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(a/n: normally i put a gif here but this was just released today and he looks like a mf PRINCE so i had to!)

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(a/n: normally i put a gif here but this was just released today and he looks like a mf PRINCE so i had to!)


Then my hands find his face, fingers caught in his mess of curls. I'm enraptured in his comfortably familiar scent, the faint hint of caf pulling on my heartstrings as I hungrily crash my lips into his, reveling in the feeling of his rough, calloused fingers cupping my cheek, his other arm hooking my body in place which has collapsed into the warmth of his own.


I pull away after several passionate minutes, a task that seems to be one of the hardest I've had to carry out in a long time.

"I have to go.." I breathe, unable to meet his eyes, my heart thumping wildly in my chest.  I register the sound of his own heart pounding, and the regular feeling of the Force faintly rippling around us is instead buzzing intensely, especially in the space I had created between us. My fingers twitch, desperate to grasp his, to feel his rough skin on my own, to once again meet the warmth of his embrace.

I shake my head erratically, trying to push every traitorous thought from my mind. I have to get away from him, and that is the one thing I am sure of.

I will my lightsaber into my hand and clip it to my belt. I put my forearm on his hard chest and gently shove him out of my way, my skin tingling where I'd briefly touched him the second I remove it. I disappear from the room, marching briskly in the direction of my quarters.

Heavy, determined footsteps cut through the bustling noise behind me, and I have to resist the urge to turn around and punch him, demanding that he quit following me.

I wanted him to feel close enough to me again to be vulnerable. True feelings were never supposed to be involved. I have to do this, for the sake of the Resistance and fate of the galaxy. Yet, I have once again given into my damned impulses.

I use the Force to slam the door to my chambers open, mechanisms rattling at the impact. I fix my pursuer with a withering gaze before hastily stepping inside. I activate the locking code, despite being aware that it'll have little to no effect on him if he's determined enough.

And I know that he is.

My chest rises and falls rapidly as I attempt to calm myself down, eyes scanning over the room to find something to take everything out on. I clench my fists, knuckles turning white and collapse on my bed. I bury my face in my pillow and let out a frustrated scream, but it does little to help me. In fact, it only makes it worse.

Before doubt has the chance to cross my mind, I find myself curling my fist and slamming it into my bed frame. I briefly feel satisfaction at successfully making a dent in the metal, then the wave of pain washes over me.

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