chapter seven ♛ holding cell

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Snow pelts my face for the brief moment that we are exposed to the elements as we leave Kylo Ren's personal transport and enter the base's main hangar

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Snow pelts my face for the brief moment that we are exposed to the elements as we leave Kylo Ren's personal transport and enter the base's main hangar.

With my hands bound in front of me, I march with an air of indifference, my head held high, despite the searing pain in my leg. Almost no one we pass spares me a glance, likely used to prisoners being paraded through the corridors every so often.

"Turn here." One of the stormtroopers directs, grabbing my elbow to be sure I do as I'm told. I turn quickly and fix him with a poisonous glare, and he pulls his hand away as if he'd accidentally touched a hot burner.

I walk into a medical bay per instruction, and I am lead into a private room and left with a medical droid. The droid dispatches painkillers and immediately begins to stitch up my leg, and my gaze shifts around aimlessly as I try to distract myself.

When the droid is finished I am left alone to wait for someone to lead me to my next destination. The cuffs never left my wrists, which I will admit is quite intelligent on their part, as it severely hinders my ability to bolt. I don't even bother devising an escape plan.

When Ren informally arrives at my door, mask and all, my spine goes rigid.

"I was hoping for a 'trooper." I raise my eyebrows, sliding off the examination table. I go to push past him but he steps over to fill the space left in the doorway.

"I'll be taking the lead this time." He remarks gruffly, and I know right away that someone had told him of my seemingly insignificant exchange with the stormtroopers. For less than a second I long to hear his real voice, but I push that sentiment away almost immediately.

I follow him out into the corridor, my eyes downcast this time as I feel so many scrutinizing gazes fixed on me, brought on by my companion.

After several long, insufferable minutes he suddenly halts in front of a secluded door, punches in a code, and steps inside when it opens. I stand rooted to my spot until he turns to me expectantly, then I follow him in, making a show of my reluctance.

"This isn't a holding cell." I say, taking in the simple room with a bed in the middle, a closet, and a door that leads to a washroom.

"It's hardly better." Ren counters, not even turning to look at me.

"I am your prisoner, aren't I? So shouldn't I be in a holding cell?" I fire back.

Of course I don't actually want to be kept in a holding cell, but if he's going to keep me here against my will and make me even more miserable than I already am, the most satisfying thing I can do is to constantly rile him up. I had mastered the skill at the age of ten.

"That can be arranged." He replies sharply. "Clean yourself up and change your clothes." He adds, the note of annoyance evident to me even in his modified tone. He leaves the room and the door clamps shut behind him.

I want to protest his orders and maintain my current appearance, but decide better of it. The thin, scratchy evening gown had grown disgusting by now, my dyed hair greasy and matted.

I shower, reveling in the warmth the water brings me. The smell of the shampoo and soap I had been issued isn't anything special, but it'll do. I stay in for a very long time and brush my teeth after, then I wash my oily face with the help of the large mirror over the sink. I shiver at my wet hair touching my lower back and put on a towel before I enter the other part of the room to retrieve clothes, just in case.

All of the clothes in the closet are black or grey. I slip into the only large knit jumper and some pants made of stretchy form-fitting material.

I look around the room for something to entertain myself, when my eyes land on something I hadn't noticed before- a holo.

I grab it and sit cross-legged at the end of my bed. I start looking through it and notice immediately that there are restrictions on it that prevent me from contacting anyone or anything on the outside, so I put away the new escape plan that had been turning over in my head from the second I had lain eyes on it.

Instead I find something to watch, and set it in front of me, pulling my knees to my chest.

It is like this, almost peaceful, for about an hour.

I hear the faint beeping of someone putting in the room code before the door slides open, revealing none other than the menace himself.

"Lyra, I've ordered you dinner. I have something I plan to show you tomorrow." He doesn't miss a beat, unfazed by my lack of greeting, or even looking in his general direction.

"Lyra." He repeats.

"I won't speak to you while you're wearing that thing." I monotone, focusing squarely on the inhuman mask that still covers his face. Maybe he's trying to appear more threatening, but he should be well aware that he doesn't scare me.

"Fine." He growls, storming out of the room.

"Fine." I repeat gruffly, shifting my eyes back to the holo program I'd been watching before he so rudely interrupted.


new chapter! what direction do y'all think this is going in??

did u like it? also, what do u think how lyra and kylo are doing atm?

don't forget to vote, comment, and share! i really look forward to hearing from u guys and i enjoy ur comments SO much, just so u know ;)



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