chapter three ♛ the ball

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The next night, the six of us prepare for the ball together in Ahthi's chambers, as her wealthy family provided her with a larger room in the palace than the rest of ours.

I stand behind a sitting Quil at one of the mirrors, fixing star-shaped clips into my hair as a finishing touch to my curled updo.

"You're wonderful with hair, Hale. A true talent!" Baya compliments, squeezing my wrist. I grin and thank her, agreeing to help her fix her own hair only moments later.

As I weave Baya's loose pink waves into braids that I would normally bestow the queen, I watch the others interact with each other, feeling grateful I had been fixed with such wonderful people in my darkest hours all those years ago.

As Sheva is bouncing Raze on her lap I finish the braids, disappearing into the closet to fetch my dress.

I slip the delicate piece on, admiring the elaborate flowers and vines stitched into the bodice. The tulle of the skirt feels soft on my bare skin, and one of my long and tan legs is on full display with the flattering slit down the side. At my opposite hip, the part that hides some of my old burn scars, I fix my saber to my hidden belt. I feel exposed, but comfortable, the dress fitting my thin form favorably.

I walk out among my friends, the last to fully dress, and catch myself in the mirror immediately. Never in my life have I honestly looked, much less felt, so beautiful.

"It is time to meet the queen, so she may make her grand entrance." Derlei announces after letting herself in. We all rush to the door, eager to fix our eyes on her gorgeous selection of a gown, when I first feel the pang of impending doom- the force is telling me that something will happen, and soon.

I note the feeling as I obediently follow the other maidens, my hands clasped demurely in front of me.

Queen Nikana awaits us at the entrance of the ballroom, donning a spectacular red gown. She compliments us all, before we are announced to the crowd waiting inside. The railings at the sides of the grand staircase adorn clusters of the lovely pink lillies we had been fawning over in the gardens only days ago.

When we reach the floor the girls begin to mingle, while I immediately walk in the direction of the punch bowl.

I gaze over the vast amount of unfamiliar faces, suspicion rising in my chest. The Nabooian nobles are easy to pick out among the representatives of the First Order, a majority of them wearing colorful clothing, while the others wear their formal uniforms in varying shades of grey and black. I take note of the way that many of the guests in the lightest grey glance nervously in the direction of General Hux and some other superiors.

The sense of danger has worked me to the point of feeling almost queasy, but I know that there's little I can do about it. I keep my eye on Nikana as a form of distraction, her safety meant to be of utmost importance to me as a handmaiden.

"You look ravishing, my lady." A voice I don't recognize breaks me from my vigilant watch, and I turn to find the source.

A handsome young man in light grey uniform, standing only a few inches taller than me, smiles in earnest.

"Why, thank you." I accept, looking away quickly to convey my disinterest in conversation.

He doesn't notice.

"What's your name?" He persists. I look back to him, fighting myself from appearing to be rude or unfriendly.

"Hale Quaye. What's yours?" I cock my head, taking a tiny sip from my cup of cerulean punch.

"TG-7650." The boy answers honestly.

"A soldier, then." I understand, trying to sound impassive in the kindest way possible. TG seems nice enough, but I have bigger and more important things on my mind than polite dialogue with a near stranger.

While he answers, my gaze catches on the two men following General Hux towards the queen.

When their hands subtly reach to their blasters, my stomach drops. Quickly, I slip my heels from my feet.

"Hey!" I shout, my voice carrying over the crowd which immediately quiets to see the commotion. I push TG to the side and run in their direction, holding my own hand over my lightsaber in my skirts, choosing not to wield it unless I'm sure it's necessary as I will reveal myself to the world.

The General realizes my approach and barks orders to those behind him. They advance on Nikana, putting her arms in a hold behind her back. She screams, and the rest of the handmaidens finally spring into action.

More guards, or troopers, appear out of nowhere, and to the horror of the Nabooian guests, the sound of blaster fire quickly fills the large room.

As the handmaidens- the queen's sworn protectors- reach her, several are stricken down by our enemy, their once beautiful gowns smoldering with direct shots. Mariko collapses, Ahthi's eyes roll back into her head.

I feel a familiar ache within me. It can't happen again. Not again!

Miraculously, I reach the men holding Nikana down and begin pulling at their arms, trying desperately to get them to release her. Meanwhile, from several meters away, Derlei is stricken down.

Frustrated tears slip over my cheeks as I struggle to no avail, and I know that now I must reveal my weapon of choice.

Just as I reach for it, the room falls eerily quiet. An authoritative figure approaches, face hidden behind a threatening black mask. Form fitting black clothes hug their curves, proving them to be a woman, and she holds a long staff, large blaster at the hip.

When I turn my face toward the woman, she freezes, her face turned in my general direction. After a moment, she looks to Sheva as well, the only other handmaiden left standing.

"Bring these women to the ship along with their queen. We will then take them to the Finalizer for questioning." She orders, her voice modified. I feel a tug as I watch her, as if something about her is almost familiar.

Troopers seize me at once, holding my wrists behind my back, and it's all I can do not to use my force abilities to shove them away. I couldn't reveal myself now.

We are taken from the palace to a command shuttle, and I know that this is exactly what I had feared the moment I heard of the trade deal.



what do you guys think is gonna happen next?? ;)

who do you think the woman is who took them?

lots of important questions, hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!

next one will be up soon! don't forget to vote and comment your lil hearts out, and it would mean a lot to me if you shared this story!


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