chapter twenty four ♛ morning after

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disclaimer: this doesn't really get DIRTY dirty,, but if you don't like that kind of stuff AT ALL, you have been warned

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disclaimer: this doesn't really get DIRTY dirty,, but if you don't like that kind of stuff AT ALL, you have been warned


As the ship's artificial lighting assaults my slit eyes the following morning, I feel the dead weight of an arm slung over my hips, and a warm fan of breath at the nape of my neck. I recognize the room around me enough to realize that it is not my own, but Kylo's.

When I try to remember the night before, everything following our entrance to the gala is hazy, save for one fatally important piece of information: tomorrow, the First Order will finally move to attack the Resistance, in an attempt to snuff them out once and for all.

And if I had to form a logical guess, I had slept here through the night with Ren, meaning I have even less vital time to transmit a warning to the Resistance, and in turn they will need to pack away their base with practically insurmountable urgency.

Silently cursing myself for acting so selfishly, I try to formulate a plan to escape to the little spy room without waking Ren from his sleep, when I feel him softly stirring beside me.

He takes a long, deep breath, forearm twitching at my waist, and I shove away the sinking feeling that escaping without rousing any suspicion is going to be much harder than I had originally hoped it would be. He moves closer, consciously nuzzling his face into my shoulder, and twists a lock of my silvery hair between his fingers.

"Lya?" He finally whispers, attempting to confirm that I had already woken. Slowly, I turn to face him, our noses touching as I meet his dazed honey eyes. My fingers find his neck, grazing his smooth, bare chest along the way.

We stare at each other for a long time, unable to determine if we are simply mesmerized, or too tired to look away. Something stirs in my chest, and I become all too aware of his heart beating softly in the back of my mind, a rare comfort I will never, ever take for granted again. My pull to him goes taut, and I softly kiss the corner of his lips, lingering in the spot for a moment before meeting his eyes again.

A memory from the night before returns to me then, and I search his face, contemplating the next words waiting at the tip of my tongue, trying to decide if they should be spoken at all.

"I still want to... to.. you know." I stutter, hoping I had gotten the point across without being quite as bold as my drunken self.

Ren's dark eyebrows crash down, his breath caught in his throat as his lips twitch.

"Right now?" He asks, his morning voice an impossibly deeper, scratchy tone that sends a small shiver through me. Slowly, I begin to nod.

He considers this for a moment, despite the way his heart had began to thump faster in his chest, which told me exactly how this proposition had made him feel. I know him better than anyone, and I am unsurprised when he seals our fate as his mouth hungrily meets mine, his large hands cupping my face, holding me close.

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