chapter twenty eight ♛ the plan

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- (trigger warning: mention of abuse/ hint at abuse, mention of blood and vomit) -

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- (trigger warning: mention of abuse/ hint at abuse, mention of blood and vomit) -

"The transport is just over the hill." I mumble, my hand hovering over the cuffs at the Twi'lek man's wrists as I urge everyone forward. His child lets out a heartbreaking whimper as she keeps pace with him, shoulders shaking as silent tears cascade down her cheeks. Her mother softly strokes her lekku, mouth twisted shut.

I strain to keep a blank look on my face as I listen to yet another child attempt to cope with having to leave their homeland.

"The First Order wants you terminated." These were the first words from my mouth each time in the past several weeks that our little team managed to track down another of the Resistance's contacts. "We're here to help you escape." I would add quickly, before they had the chance to retaliate.

"How do I know I can trust you?" This Twi'lek man had asked, as everyone before him had also done. And each time, the three of us, Sybil, Avalon and I showed the rings on our fingers which revealed the symbol of the Rebel Starbird with a simple switch, items that had been smuggled for us just before we left Naboo to carry out our first mission.

We had found this particular planet to be almost completely uninhabited by humanoid lifeforms save for the Twi'lek and his family, a former smuggler who had offered his humid home as a potential base and sanctuary for the Resistance, following their escape from the Illenium system. His transmission had eventually reached its intended contact, but not before it was intercepted by the First Order and its contents flagged.

We reach our transport, and just as I'm about to trail the others up the loading ramp, I sense that something is off. Likely feeling a similar disturbance, Sybil grasps my elbow to subtly stop me. Lieutenant Avalon continues leading the Twi'lek family onboard, and only seconds after they disappear into the belly of the ship comes the shriek of blasterfire, followed by a horrified scream.

My fingers fly to my lightsaber resting on my belt as Sybil and I sprint onboard, prepared for what could quickly become aggressive negotiations.

The woman shields her daughter's tiny body as they cower behind the Twi'lek man whose blaster is still raised, smoking even. A trooper lies dead on the floor, a black hole in the center of his white armor, and I notice, with a sinking stomach, the blood puddling slowly beneath his torso. The other troopers' blasters are trained on our newest passengers, ready to avenge their comrade as soon as the order is given.

"Everyone lower your blasters IMMEDIATELY." I bark, in my best impression of a hostile First Order official, and the troopers jump to follow the command, but not without a few grumbles and curses. Still, the Twi'lek man ignores me, a defiant light glinting in his eyes.

Smuggler, alright, I think to myself, my traitorous mind remembering another certain smuggler who I had always admired as a child, whose visits to the temple I had always anticipated far more than his son.

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