chapter fifteen ♛ mind lost

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The next time I wake, my head is dully throbbing

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The next time I wake, my head is dully throbbing. My limbs feel glued to the floor tiles, as if I'm pinned to the ground by large, ancient books placed carefully over my shoulders.

I register the metallic taste of blood on my otherwise dry tongue. I let out a low groan.

Get up, something in the back of my mind cruelly hisses at me. My fingers twitch, gaze rolling back and forth lazily. The artificial light sets my eyes burning, as if I'd downed a few goblets too many of wine. I suddenly feel the strange urge to empty my stomach onto the floor in front of me, but I swallow hard to attempt to combat it.

Get. Up. The voice says again, this time louder. I wince.

I slowly struggle to place both palms on the surface and push my surprisingly heavy body up, when a wave of pain shoots through every inch of me, centering in one of my wrists. It must be broken. The thought briefly crosses my mind, but I do little to pay any attention to the notion.

The second I resolve that I must stay exactly as I am, already falling drowsy despite the fact that I had just woken up, what must be a door hisses open in front of me, two pairs of nearly identical shiny black boots entering my line of vision.

"She must've passed out. Lord Ren won't like this." One modified voice says, and something tells me that I remember it from somewhere, but I can't pinpoint where.

Every one of my thoughts are hazy at the moment, and I seem to forget them as soon as they cross my mind.

One figure crouches beside me, peering into my face through a dark mask.

"Can you stand?" He asks. He gently touches a gloved hand to my shoulder.

"Y-you're... Percy!" I realize, as I vaguely recall peering into his mask as we evaded.... something.

"Perseo." He corrects. "Something's wrong with her. We need to take her to the infirmary wing." Percy tells his companion. The identical pair of boots approaches me then, and I feel the two carefully attempt to pick me up. I feel like a sack of bones being lifted from the floor. The other one grabs my arm.

"Ow!" I yell, pulling my wrist back and cradling it as it harshly throbs. The sudden noise seems to have startled them and they step back. I erupt into a fit of giggles at their attempt to amuse me.

"I think she hit her head." The companion mutters. The voice is mechanical, but I know it belongs to a woman. I know who she is, I think. But I can't put my finger on it. I reach towards her, delirious, and she steps back so that I can't reach her.

I feel Percy scoop me up, holding me like a princess bride. Delighted, I wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself closer, grinning.

"Are you going to marry me Percy?" I question, as we start our journey down the hallway. He exchanges a look with the woman, who's fallen into step beside him.

"I wouldn't want to steal that chance from someone else." He answers after a beat of silence. I laugh again. Percy is delightful!

"Wait, Percy! You know what would make the pain go away? All of it?" My eyes widen as I come across the discovery, convinced I've found the cure to all of my medical problems.

"What?" He presses, and it's very obvious that he's just trying to humor me, but I don't think on it.

"Ben! Find Ben, and he'll kiss my head! All of the pain will go away then, I think. Ben is so warm-" The woman clamps her hand over my mouth before I can finish.

"Don't you dare speak that name here." She growls. I shrink back into Percy's arms, gaze faltering to the floor dejectedly.

Then I lick her bare palm, and she shrieks.

Percy laughs with me uproariously this time. Then, the faint bounce of his footsteps beneath me begin to lull me, and I let my head drop back, my mouth wide open, eyes clamped shut.

My thoughts swim, sounds of troopers marching and commanders speaking around us dissipating. I hum soothingly to myself, my face growing hot.

Then, I hear something. A whisper.

Lya? It asks, voice soft. I involuntarily shiver, suddenly feeling a pull that tugs taut. A steady heartbeat ticks in my ear, and I struggle to make sense of it all.

"Hey. Hey!" The scary woman is snapping her fingers in my face, ripping me back to reality. I open my eyes and scowl at her, scrunching up my nose probably too much.

"You can't let her go to sleep like that, it could do more damage." She scolds Percy, but I can't see his reaction because of his mask.

Finally, we seem to have reached our destination.

"Are we getting something to eat? I could go for bith beans." I wonder aloud, too loudly. We're standing in front of some kind of desk, and a droid is speaking to the scary woman from behind. A human assistant is there too, watching me with eyebrows raised. I stick my tongue out at her.

"She appears to have suffered a severe concussion." The assistant announces, coming around the desk. Percy mutters something under his breath, which just comes out as a mechanical hum through his modifier.

Then they're putting me on a bed. And it moves!

"Finally! A nap!" I say. No one responds. They're talking to each other, but they're ignoring me.

It finally dawns on me that there must be something wrong. Where are they taking me? Why is everyone so serious? Are they hiding Ben? Why does everything smell so clean?

They're going to KILL me! Because I'm a prisoner!

As they wheel the bed into a room and shut the door, I burst into tears.

"Hey! What's wrong?" Percy rushes to me, standing beside the bed. I didn't realize that he was still here.

I shake my head. I can't answer him.

A droid starts to place something cold and jelly-like over my forehead. They wrap something similar around my wrist. I feel a needle piercing my skin, and the droid suggests I count to ten.

"Percy?" I whisper, my eyelids fluttering. He squats to peer into my face again.

"Yes?" He cocks his head. I wish I could see his face.

"If I die, can you tell Ben that I love him?" I think of his scowling face, those inky curls, freckles.

"Of course." Is the last thing I hear, as Percy smooths his thumb comfortingly over my temple. I imagine Ben beside me in his place, and I'm smiling as I slip into a dreamless slumber at last.


what did you guys think?? haha

kylo will be back in the next chapter, i promise!

i was laughing to myself as i imagined this so i hope u guys really liked it

don't forget to vote comment and share!


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