chapter eighteen ♛ little resistance

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The next morning, I'm completely exhausted

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The next morning, I'm completely exhausted. I remained awake until Kylo finally slinked back to his room, and even after he was long gone I slept fitfully. Before Freddie appeared at my door to bring me breakfast, I sent in a request for caf- and lots of it.

I hold the mug close to my chest while my trooper friend settles a plate on my side table. Before he slips from the room, I see him turn to face me at the door from the corner of my eye.

"Lyra?" He starts, tentatively. The corners of my mouth twitch upwards- he's never used my name before.

I look over my shoulder and raise my eyebrows, signaling him to continue.

"I heard, uh. Later today, Lord Perseo has requested you for questioning." He rubs the back of his neck, and I realize that this is meant to be some kind of warning, and I should appear nervous.

"O-oh, thank you for telling me." I fake a stutter, shifting my gaze to my fidgety fingers.

"You'll be okay." He reassures before disappearing.

After he's gone, I grin, letting the excitement adorn my face. Then, I decide to set my hair into two buns to prepare for my first Resistance mission.


I'm seated at the edge of my bed with my eyes glued to my holo screen, waiting, when I hear a faint knock on my door. I raise my hand and shift it open, changing my face so that I appear to be scared.

A pair of troopers enter, one holding cuffs. I bite my lip, rising. I turn around so they can easily click them over my wrists, and let them escort me out.

As we're marching down the corridor, I'm praying to all the powers that be that we won't run into Kylo along the way. He'd know immediately that something was up; I'd never get away with sneaking off again.

I keep my eyes trained on the floor, feigning a tremble in my shoulders, even going as far as to trip up a couple of times.

"Don't scream too loud, prisoner." The trooper laughs to himself as he shoves me into the room with his blaster. Then they retreat, locking the door behind them.

I've stood in silence for a small lifetime when the door opens again.

"Come with me." They say, and I recognize Marco's modified voice immediately. I walk through the door willingly with my old companion following, his fingertips pressed to the small of my back. I let him lead me further down the corridor.

In front of a supply closet, he looks both ways (which is admittedly a little goofy-looking, considering he has his mask on), then ushers me through it.

The room has the appearance of a true supply closet, and we're surrounded in darkness as he closes the door behind him. We stand frozen, facing each other, through a few beats of silence. The floor shudders, and I equate it to the Supremacy's rocky travel through space.

"Is this the part where I'm supposed to take off your mask and kiss you?" I joke, attempting to cut through the strange tension and feel more comfortable.

"Do you have experience with that particular scenario?" I can hear the smile in his voice, and my face grows hot. A crack of light makes itself known in place of what I had previously thought to be a wall. Marco places his gloved palm over it and pushes, and it easily gives way.

I almost sigh in relief.

"Secret elevator." He explains. He grabs my wrist and pulls me into the little room, illuminated by an old lamp in the back corner- a refreshing substitute to the artificial light rods along the ceiling that I'd grown accustomed to.

Marco reaches behind his head and releases his helmet, setting it on the table in the center of the room. He runs his fingers through his short waves of hazelnut hair and fixes me with his familiar grin.

I briefly wonder if he's trying to impress me, but am interrupted by the door opening again.

I jump, imagining troopers crashing through the door followed by a snickering Hux, or even worse, a seething Kylo, successful in their quest to discover us. Instead, a pair of strangers edge in, shutting the door with the same amount of care as Marco.

"Okay, we're all here." Marco breaks the silence as the two scrutinize me.

"This is it?" I ask, before I can stop myself. I had imagined many, many more spies to fill out the room. Or that was what I had pictured from what Marco had described to me.

"Yes." Marco answers, busting out an awkward laugh to make it seem as if I were joking. The two obviously see through it. "I wanted to arrange a small meet and greet, so you know who you can trust." He finishes. I nod in acknowledgement so he'll continue.

"Okay, uh. This is Lady Avalon-"

"Lieutenant." The woman corrects, stepping forward.

"Lieutenant." Marco repeats. The woman is small, her jaw set, face absent of smile lines. She is the perfect picture of a Lieutenant of the First Order, strength, severity, and emotional detachment detectable in her hard gaze. She does, however, have one feature that I would never associate with a human officer- her hair, scraped back into a painfully tight bun at the base of her neck, is a vibrant aquamarine, which suggests that she is not entirely human.

Avalon looks me up and down then nods once, stepping back.

"And this is EV-1473, but in here we call him Everett." The trooper removes his helmet to reveal a surprisingly young boy with a bronze face and striking hazel eyes. He grins as he shakes my hand enthusiastically, mumbling a quick greeting.

"We represent just about every element of the First Order, except for one. That's where you come in." Marco brings the attention back to me. I furrow my eyebrows, confused at what he's getting at.

"You should explain." Avalon suggests, noticing the emotion crossing my features. I shoot her a smile to show my gratitude, but she simply twists her lips and looks away.

"I've worked under Kylo Ren for six years, but I'll never be close to him in the way that you are. He trusts you... too much, I might add." He smirks, but I can't help but feel a pang in my chest as he mentions this. I internally shake the feeling, reminding myself of the rage he that he regularly ignites in me like no one else.

"So, Lyra, are you in?" Says Everett, watching me hopefully.

"I'm in." I wholeheartedly agree.


could u guys recommend me good kylo/ben related books? and yes i do read reylo stories

also i already decided on a title for the sequel to this book, the final installment of lyra and ben's story ;)

more kylo next update! and let me know what u thought of this chapter!

don't forget to vote, comment and share


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