chapter seventeen ♛ new purpose

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My vision is blurred in the edges with rage

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My vision is blurred in the edges with rage. I tear through the corridor, my destination more or less set clear in my mind.

I'm leaving.

Nothing is holding me back now. I can't stand to be near Kylo for another moment- I can't even look at him.

Although I'm not sure of the exact location, I know who I'm looking for. I will be going somewhere that I should have a long time ago.

It's time that I finally, truly join the ranks of the Resistance.

I punch a passcode into the security pad next to my newly issued quarters. As soon as I slip inside, I start to quickly pack a small amount of my crucial belongings that aren't truly my belongings. My security enhanced holo. Rations I'd convinced Freddie to steal for me from the kitchens stashed beneath my bed. A compact blaster I'd influenced a trooper to turn over to me through mind tricks. As I'm digging through my drawers for articles of clothing, I come across the lilac sweater. Making a face, I cross the room and stuff it down the garbage chute.

As I'm twisting my hair into practical braids, scheming on how I could acquire a substantial amount of credits so that I could sustain myself for a short period of time, the door slides open unexpectedly.

I glower at the newcomer through the mirror, but am fully surprised when I don't catch sight of Kylo.

Instead, Perseo stands, alone. He raises his finger over his mask to where his lips would be, to signal that I should keep quiet. Because I'm curious, I do.

He crosses the room, and I don't miss the way he slams the door shut again with the Force.

"Where are you going?" He asks, finally. I turn the question over in my head, entirely convinced that there was no way I could give up the true answer. Although he had been nothing but kind to me in all of our dealings, he was still here, in black cloaks, the hilt of a lightsaber resting at his hip that undoubtedly glowed crimson.

"It would be easier on both of us if you just told me the truth." He presses further, and I get the prickling feeling that he had sensed the doubt conflicting my thoughts. This is no weak force user, I decide. He was trained by someone very intelligent, and very powerful.

"How do I know that you wouldn't betray me?" I argue, thinking of Kylo and that horrid mask. Why would a knight of Ren do anything but disobey his leader?

"You're planning to seek out the Resistance." Perseo discovers, stepping closer. I try to cover the disorientation on my face that threatens to deceive me, but I know he still catches it when his modifier lets out something resembling a bark of laughter.

"Are you gonna kill me, then?" I sigh, angry at myself for how easily I'd been discovered. I'd been trained since I was a little girl to be able to mask my true intentions, and somehow I'd failed myself again.

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