chapter fourteen ♛ the prisoner

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As the command shuttle zips between systems through light speed, a trooper aiding the medic droids with Ben in private rooms suddenly appears in front of me, prepared to apply a large bacta bandage to the open stitches on my thigh at Hux's relucta...

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As the command shuttle zips between systems through light speed, a trooper aiding the medic droids with Ben in private rooms suddenly appears in front of me, prepared to apply a large bacta bandage to the open stitches on my thigh at Hux's reluctant behest.

I wonder for only a moment what he could possibly want with urgently dressing my wounds, but I shake the notion in favor of worrying about Ben, and just how critical his condition might be.

A long time ago, he had been the one to slash my own face with his lightsaber (which I now accredit to his receiving training from the dark side), and while it was extremely painful to endure and left some permanent scarring (emotionally as well as physically, of course), I hadn't been cut anywhere close to as deeply as he had. I hadn't lost so much blood.

Not to mention the blaster wound at his hip, which was surrounded by severe bruising, that suggested he might have been slamming his hand over it repeatedly to draw from its dark energy. This I had learned through having prodded the medic trooper as he continued to apply my bandage.

When the trooper left, I had deemed it useless to ask Hux for any new information, because he, like every other member of the First Order, refused to divulge information of any kind due to my allegiance and technical status as a prisoner.

And, of course, his contempt for me.

When I feel the command shuttle briefly shudder, I quickly peer out the window, hopeful that I might catch a glimpse of where exactly we're headed.

My eyes widen as round as saucers when a massive Star Destroyer fills my gaze- and we're headed directly toward it.

"Prepare for landing." The pilot's voice informs over an intercom. My knuckles turn white as I clasp the edge of the metal bench I'm sitting on, feeling a sudden urge to attempt an escape. Even from such a distance away, I can feel the Force swirling around me, pulsating and burning, sitting on my chest and squeezing out my breath agonizingly slow. The presence is powerful and so undoubtedly dark, and I'm too off-kilter to face it.

I begin to scan the room, hoping for any indication of an escape pod, when a grinning Hux enters from the direction of the cockpit.

"It's called The Supremacy. Ren would have told you that, I'm sure, but as it would seem he's a little... incapacitated." He taunts, his flinty eyes glowing as he notices my unmasked grimace.

"Is he awake?" I ask, momentarily disregarding my resolve to not bother with questions that would likely remain unanswered.

He smirks but remains mum, continuing to stare at me. I look away uncomfortably, once again gazing through the window. I see several troops of thousands of troopers and clusters of officers only feet below us, which indicates that we're inside the hangar, moments from landing.

The second we touch the ground, I feel a hand unexpectedly clasp my arm and wrench me to my feet. I yelp in pain, positive it'll leave marks.

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