Chapter Four

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Sean, the Irish prospect who got into a bad accident a few months back stands beside me inside of Ash's office. Marco and Finn must have already been interrogated by our fearless leader, leaving the two of us to be questioned next.

"After all the shit with Aiden, I've hired an extra hand to help out with checking all of you guys out. I don't need to be dealing with any more rats right under our noses. We clear?"

Sean and I both shake our heads and I try not to let my face show any alarm.

If Ash has hired a private investigator, it's only a matter of time before they figure out where I really came from. It's only a matter of time before they realize the real Gray Peters died twelve years ago.

My skills at deleting my former identity from the world only go so far. An investigator will surely find out eventually.

"As long as you're not hiding anything, there shouldn't be anything to worry about, now will there?" Ash leans back in his leather chair large enough to fit his enormous body and steeples his fingers together like a mobster would.

He narrows his eyes and meets my gaze that I try to keep neutral but I can feel the dripping of sweat on my brow.


It's not that they can't know, it's more that I don't want them to know. My past is a part of my life I'd prefer to keep buried, if not, then I'm not entirely sure I'd be able to maintain my sanity.

"Are we understood?" He dares, furrowing his brows and squaring his shoulders.

"Understood," Sean says proudly. I follow with a silent nod and Ash accepts my quiet acceptance.

Waving his hand toward the door, were dismissed and I follow behind Sean through the ornate double doors engraved with a large wolf - the insignia of the club.

"Still can't believe what that guy did to this club. Wild, right?" Sean's Irish accent has faded over the many years of him living in the states, but it's still there in some words.

I grunt, "Yeah, wild." Sean knows he won't get much out of me, and he seems okay with it. Unlike many of the other members or hangarounds who dismiss me as a mute or mentally disturbed somehow.

They're not far off from the real reason. It definitely has to deal with my mind, that's for damn sure.

Staying silent is easy. Talking and pretending everything is okay when it's not is hard, and not worth my time.

"I'll see you later man, Blade needs me to keep the bar stocked so I'm going to give Jazmine a hand tonight." We bump fists and he takes off in the direction of the bar where I see Jazmine, the hot lesbian bartender leaning over the counter and talking to Callie.

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now