Chapter Thirty-Four

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*I had an incredibly busy week last week and with Veterans Day yesterday, as well. Sorry for the absence! By the way, I know some of y'all don't like ass play, so this chapter might not be for you. 😉*


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After slipping into the sleek black cocktail dress Gray picked up, I marvel at how perfect it fits and how beautiful it is. He has good taste - something not very many straight men can boast about having.

Strapping the black heels around my ankle, I stand up and push my hair out of my face, looking into the mirror across from the bed on top of the dresser.

I kept my makeup to a minimal - light pink gloss and a simple sienna toned eye look, but the dress really classes it up and I grow giddy at the thought of finally getting to have a date with Gray.

Our biggest date we've ever had was the concert he brought me to and then meeting one of his foster families afterward. Since then, we've not been able to do anything major.

And then, we were forced to break up.

I guess I just want this date to make up for all that missed time. All those lonely evenings and depressing mornings. Those long days gone without him by my side.

This date is going to bring a sense of normalcy back into our lives, whether or not said lives will ever be normal again. I don't care how childish or dumb the idea sounds - this date means something to me. Something bigger than just an evening out with Gray.

Checking over my appearance for the millionth time in the mirror, constantly making last minute adjustments to my hair or makeup, I finally hear a knock at the door.

My heart does a little leap in chest at the sound, because I know it has to be Gray.

Taking a deep breath, I'm struck with nerves I haven't experienced since the beginning of our flirtationship almost a year ago.

Taking a sip of the champagne I've been drinking for the past hour, I try and calm down, knowing there's absolutely nothing to be worried about.

"Relax," I whisper to my reflection in the mirror, "It's just Gray."

For a second, I ache for a cigarette, but scold myself, knowing that nicotine is not the answer and I've got to cool it with the smoking.

Inhaling deeply, I place my hands on my stomach as it caves in with my breath.

Holding it before letting it out, I release all the pent up anxiousness and open my heart, telling myself to be calm, that we're safe here, that nothing bad can happen tonight, that everything is going to be perfect.


This time it will be perfect.

Shuffling to the door, I open it to see Gray dressed in a light, steel blue button down and a pair of black slacks. His shirt is characteristically unbuttoned several buttons down, revealing that swath of chest hair and the chain necklaces usually hidden by a regular tee shirt.

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