Chapter Seventeen

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*Don't hate me, my loves. There's a method to my madness 😉*

 There's a method to my madness 😉*

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"Okay," I nod, smiling and pressing a kiss onto his cheek, completely misreading his anxiousness on whatever he has to tell me.

He shifts his weight to his other foot, raking his fingers through his hair and placing his other hand on the wall behind me, pushing our bodies closer.

"You won't love me anymore," he admits and I freeze.

I laugh, nervously. "How can that be possible?" I reach up and run my fingers down the side of his temple until I can caress the edge of his sharp jaw.

"Believe me, it's possible," he says with no room for doubt. "My life before coming here was disastrous. I've done things. Been through hell. I just want you to know now before anything goes even further between us."

"I mean, you're a little late if you're trying to push me away, I'm kind of invested in this relationship."

"Pushing you away is not my intention, but it is my biggest fear."

I stand on the tips of my toes to bring our faces closer. My palm snakes through the soft strands of brown hair until I can grasp the back of his head. "There isn't anything to be scared of Gray, I love you. You can tell me anything and I promise it won't change how I feel about you."

He smiles, looking down and shifting his hand that's clutching a fistful of hair to my hand, interlocking our fingers and bringing them to his lips. "But it will change things. It's inevitable. My past, it's—"

"Then don't tell me," I interject. "Do I really need to know?"


"Or do you just want me to know?" I give him a pointed stare, arching my back against the wall and settling my palm behind me at the base of my spine.

"I don't want there to be secrets between us. There's already enough shrouding us as is," he exclaims, a look of pure defeat on his face.

"Gray, listen to me. Everyone has secrets. And I mean, everyone. There is nothing wrong with that. If you're so conflicted on telling me whatever it is you've done in your life, then don't tell me. When you know without a doubt that it's time for me to hear your truth, then I'll be there to listen. But I don't want you to feel obligated to reveal something that's distressing you. If it'll change the way I look at you, maybe not knowing is for the best anyway. I mean, it doesn't directly affect me, does it?"

He thinks for a moment, pulling his lower lip in between his teeth. My body reacts to his small movement involuntarily and I push my hips against his, feeling the hardness that is still ever present.

"It shouldn't."

"You'll let me know if it does?"

He nods his head.

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now