Chapter Forty-One

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White halls. White walls. Nurses in white scrubs. Doctors in white coats. Little white pills for pain and thin white sheets to cover my body.

My thigh pokes out from under the sheet for the doctor to work on stitching up the stab wound.

With nothing serious punctured and no profuse bleeding, simple sutures and a bandage is enough to fix me up 'good as new' as the young intern mentioned after reviewing my chart.

Gray, on the other hand, cracked a rib when Ben stabbed him, according to a helpful young nurse who keeps updating Agent Porter. He doesn't need surgery, but his recovery is going to be a little bit more intense than my own.

Luckily, we shouldn't be here that much longer.

"Put your hands on me one more time and so help me I'll rip your fucking arm out of its socket," Gray's familiar voice growls from just outside my room. "Callie!" He shouts after pushing my door open, the handle slamming against the glass window behind it.

I wince at the sound, thankful it didn't crack and shatter.


He smiles wide, his eyes frantic as he hobbles towards me laying in the bed.

Throwing his arms around me, a displeased grunt from the intern comes from beside me before he huffs and pushes away.

"Reunion time is after I finish these sutures. Please, sir, your friend needs these done properly and I can't very well do that with you pushing her around."

Gray pulls away from me, angling his cold stare down towards the intern with his arms crossed on the rolling chair beside my bed.

Gray's lips are puckered, but he does as requested and sits down on the side of the bed near my feet where he can't touch me enough to disturb the flustered new doctor.

The intern gets back to work and I'm - again - thankful for the numbing medication he put around the fresh stitches.

"How are you? Are you okay? When are you being discharged? They're letting me leave today after this. Do you have something for the pain? Where's Ben? Have you heard from Porter? I think he's out there somewhere," I point towards the hall outside my room in the direction I last saw Porter escape to.

I turn my head back to my boyfriend, his face pale and his eyes sunken in further than I would have liked from the exhaustion and blood loss. He's chuckling, holding onto his side as he does so.

"Don't worry about anything, Callie. I'm fine. Porter is trying to get things settled. I'm leaving today, to hell with staying for observation." He places his hand gently on my calf of the leg not being worked on and rubs his thumb against my sheet-covered skin.

I exhale, not realizing I was speaking so fast and holding my breath.

Taking in his whole body, I see his shoulders rise and fall in uneven bursts which makes me wonder if his breathing has been affected by the stab wound. His lips are chapped and his hands are a bit shaky, no doubt from the heavy duty pain killers probably wearing off.

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now