Chapter Forty-Two

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*If you're not following me, you didn't see my life update. My best friend (who moved to China over a year ago) has recently come back to the states following the death of her father. She's very young to have lost a parent and is going through a lot. I have been there at her side helping her through things and helping her get things settled. I'm sorry for my absence, but she's my best friend in the whole world and I had to be there for her. She's still in state and will be until after Christmas, so I apologize for lack of updates as we're together most days.
P.S. - There's a really sexy picture of Gray in this chapter that has nothing to do with the chapter, I just can't get enough of it!*

 - There's a really sexy picture of Gray in this chapter that has nothing to do with the chapter, I just can't get enough of it!*

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"You're not dead."

"Huh? Was I supposed to be?" Stone chuckles, wrapping his arm around my shoulders and pulling me into his body.

"Vera said she killed you."

Stone exaggerates checking to make sure his body is still in tact before smiling up at me. "All there, darlin'."

I'd never thought I'd be happy to see Stone, but knowing Vera lied and he's alive and well... well dang it, his beautiful face is a welcome sight.

"Lets get out of here," Ash shouts to everyone standing around in the front of the police station.

I wish it was that easy.

We stick around for another couple of hours. The kidnapping charges filed against Gray still need to be dropped. The FBI need to take my statement over what happened with Vera. And Porter wants to talk to Gray some more, presumably to apologize for everything again.

I can't fault him for his actions, but it was crappy to go through these past couple of weeks.

While waiting for Gray to be officially released, my mind wanders to the vision of Ben locked away somewhere in this facility.

He'll be transferred back to Montana come morning, but the fact that he's still here. Alive. Breathing just beyond a few walls. I don't know what to think.

Should he be allowed to live? Should we do something? What if he gets out again? What if he comes after us and we don't get lucky?

These questions rattle around in my head until I see Gray walking with Porter, a scowl on his face directed towards Porter that softens as soon as we make eye contact.

My stomach does a little flip knowing that we no longer have to live a lie. No longer have to hide our relationship.

He is mine and I am his, publicly and privately. Forever and for always.

I smile at him as he comes to stand in front of me and take his outstretched hand.

"Check in when you get back to Vegas. I'll send updates about Benjamin as soon as I know something. Again, I truly am sorry for how things went down, Simon."

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now