Chapter Thirty-Three

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*I am a southerner, and I *hate* sweet tea with a passion. Sue me.
P.S. Happy Halloween 🎃*

 Happy Halloween 🎃*

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We drive.

We stop.

We drive some more.

We make many detours to mix up our path as much as possible all throughout Arkansas.

When it gets to the point of no nearby towns or hotels, we end up pulling onto the side of the road to take a quick two hour nap, then get right back onto the road at first light.

Sleeping in the car wasn't ideal, and it became stuffy within the vehicle almost as soon as Gray cut the engine, but with the bug overpopulation in the backwoods of Arkansas, in the middle of summer, we couldn't very well keep the windows rolled down.

We didn't snuggle all cutesy and romantic in the backseat. We held hands in the front, fell asleep and woke up to a blaring alarm telling us to get back at it, driving far away, just to get as far as possible from Vegas.

There's been times I've wondered how far is necessary.

Soon enough, we'll run out of states to drive through. And then what are we supposed to do? Traveling internationally would certainly alert Ben and there's no way we'd make it through airport security with our photos plastered all over the country.

Will there ever be an end to this situation? Will we ever be able to relax for more than one or two nights?

I refuse to admit it to him, but it's killing me - the running, the hiding, the never staying in one place, and especially the car trips.

Never have I spent this much time in a vehicle after my parents died.

It's been too painful, it brings up too many terrible memories. Immersion therapy is helping, but I still can't shake the nausea and dizziness from driving down the road and I try my best to focus on my breathing, choosing to ignore the rolling waves of anxiety coursing through me.

I don't have to put up with it much longer, because eventually Gray and I pass a sign boasting a small town with a population of under a thousand within the next five miles in Mississippi.

"Do you think it's safe?" I ask when he makes the exit off of the interstate into the tiny town that has a small strip of rundown buildings and a single restaurant. It looks to be a town where no one is housed beside each other, yet everyone still probably knows everyone because of the lack of people.

"I guess we'll see. Just because we were on the news, doesn't mean everyone saw it. People go missing all the time, all over, and yet can you picture any of those people right now?"

I think for a moment, trying to picture any news report that wasn't super widespread, but the faces of those individuals who went missing come up blank in my head.

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now