Chapter Thirty-Two

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*The cashier is nobody, just another way to prove how attractive women find Gray, honestly 😂*

*The cashier is nobody, just another way to prove how attractive women find Gray, honestly 😂*

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We're still in Arkansas, and for once since we've taken this journey, I feel like there's time for us to finally take a breath.

The town we've stopped in has a lot more to offer than a few of the places we've been so far.

They even boast having a fine dining restaurant that looked rather cozy and inviting when I passed by it minutes ago.

Callie's been stressed beyond anything she's ever dealt with before and I want to do something nice for her. Just something to help take her mind off the impending peril that seems to be lurking over our heads at any given moment.

Maybe if I can show her our new life can still be fun and enjoyable, she'll grow more fond of the idea of living away from her home.

With me.


Realizing jeans and a tee shirt isn't going to be appropriate for a date, I drive around until I find what I'm looking for.

I park outside of a small clothing store, running inside and catching a strong whiff of the vanilla scent lingering in the air from the incense burning around me.

"Welcome to Ryssa's, if you need any help, don't hesitate to ask!" A friendly voice with the same tone Callie possesses speaks from behind a high counter.

I send the young girl a smile and she blushes, the dark crimson flush taking over her olive toned cheeks.

Browsing through the racks of clothing, I'm met with the small section of lady's lingerie and my cheeks blossom with color almost as bright as the cashier's.

Grasping a tiny scrap of lace off the rack, I hold it away from me and take in the delicate nature of the garment, visualizing it on Callie's small frame.

The way it'd wrap around her small chest, exposing her perfectly pink nipples through the see-through material. Clinging tight to her waist and flaring out over her hips to hide away the soft flesh between her thighs.

I feel myself growing hard just looking at the damned piece of fabric and jump when a female voice speaks up from behind me.

"It's a really cute piece." Her tone isn't as friendly this time and she's dropped a couple octaves. "Need me to try it on for you? You know, just so you can see how it looks?"

I turn around to see her and notice how hooded her eyes have become, her original friendly demeanor taking on a whole new form.

She's pushing her chest out, having slid the v-neck of her shirt down farther than it was when I walked in, trying to lure me in.

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now