Chapter Twenty

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*Remember, everything happens for a reason.
Apologies for being absent last week! Something personal came up.*


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My lips still tingle from being wrapped around Gray's girth. My nipples still ache, sending tiny bursts of white hot pleasure through my body.

My skin still feels flushed, incredibly hot and tight, and covered in gooseflesh.

My mouth is dry with anticipation, though. My nerves run wild at what Ash could possibly need Gray for.

Have another gang or club become a problem? Has there been issues with their side jobs?

God forbid, has someone died?

My heart races as Gray and I get dressed and I try not to feel letdown along with the trepidation.

We were finally alone. Finally able to do something other than kiss or touch lightly. That one fleeting moment in the alley behind the diner wasn't enough, and neither was tonight.

I'm hungry for more and I want him. Completely. I want his body over mine and our bodies joined in the most primal way possible.

With the urgency of Ash's messages, I have a feeling it won't happen at all tonight.

Leaving the private room, I look back at the couch where we just were and think back to how his face twisted up in rapture when I made him cum and swallowed him down.

It wasn't the best taste or activity, my lips are swollen and my knees hurt, but damn if his expression of gratification wasn't enough to make me want worship his cock every night of my life.

I close the door behind me, closing this short chapter on our lives and praying we get another chance soon, because I don't think I'm going to be able to wait much longer. The sexual frustration is killing me.

Gray grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers, giving mine a squeeze and a reassuring smile. "I'm sure it's nothing too important."

I wish that were the case, but I can see on his face he doesn't even believe his words.

Whatever it is, it's bad. And we're walking blindly into it.

"I need to change in the car before we go back. Our cover story of me needing a bodyguard to do some late shopping isn't going to work if I show up dressed like this." I motion towards my outfit and he nods, ushering me through the throng of people and out into the foyer.

"Leaving so soon?" Janis' sadistic tone meets me ears and I spin on my heels to see her smirking face. Her cohorts surround her, flocking to her side like moths to a flame.

Gray continues on towards the front door and says nothing, pulling me with him.

Before I lose sight of her, I make out her snickering laugh as her friend says something into her ear.

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now