Chapter Twelve

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*Completely lost inspiration there for a bit! So sorry guys. I don't even know what happened. My brain just wouldn't work and I was sick of what I was writing. I wrote and rewrote this chapter so many times because I was finding it hard to be satisfied with it. And it's only a filler chapter! Goshhhhh. But I hope you enjoy! The good stuff is next 😉*

 But I hope you enjoy! The good stuff is next 😉*

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After leaving Callie at the diner, I drive to my private place in the city that no one but myself knows about - not even Sean knows I have somewhere I go to be alone. I can't risk anyone finding out about it.

Not only because it's against Ash's rules to live outside of the clubhouse while a prospect, but because my loft is filled with shit from my life before Vegas.

Photographs, personal belongings, you name it, that's where I've put it.

Agent Porter told me if I wanted to successfully disappear, I would have to let go of everything from my former life, but these things... I just couldn't abandon them.

The sentimental value of the photographs alone was enough to make me pack them up and haul them all the way to Nevada from Montana.

I head to the top floor of the apartment complex - the loft and the roof above it both belong to me - and step through the industrial sized entrance.

Exercise equipment, computer equipment, memorabilia from my life before, and a grab bag ready to go if need be surround me.

A dusty smell assaults my nose from the lack of use and the overall untouched feeling within the large open space.

Ash has us working so hard and when I'm not working for the club, I'm with Callie. I barely ever find time to come out here, but I had to stop by today.

I need to build onto Gray Peters, and the software necessary for that is here and not on my laptop.

Flipping on the tv and opening a music station, I settle into the comfortable gaming chair in front of my computer systems, turning everything on.

Landon Steele helped craft the software necessary for my disappearance, like the photo erasing program, but he also included a means to hack into servers and change facts - facts like Gray Peters maybe, possibly winning a spelling bee in the fifth grade that got put into the papers of his hometown.

Or, maybe he helped win a baseball game along with his teammates when he was in high school.

There also might be an inactive MySpace account featuring Gray as a preteen obsessed with My Chemical Romance.

It takes more effort than just vanishing from society and wiping your existence from the internet for people to believe you're who you're pretending to be.

When I made Gray Peters, I gave him a backstory - a family, a hometown, a teenage job, a childhood pet - but what I didn't do was focus on the little details.

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