Chapter Twenty-Eight

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My mouth hangs open in shock and I fall back into the passenger door, pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around my shins.

My mind is whirling as I try to process what Gray has told me.

Ben is trying to kill me?

For revenge?

Against Gray?

I don't know how to process this information and I feel my head spinning and stomach acid rising in my throat.

"Is this what you wanted to tell me? Or is there an evil twin out to get me as well?" I blink away the tears beginning to flood my vision.

How close was I to dying? For the past month Ben and I have spent several afternoons and nights alone, going on dates, hanging out, watching movies, having dinner.

He was... normal. Never once did I think he was a psycho killer and the half brother of my real boyfriend.

Sure, he was a little strange, but I think that about everyone who isn't Gray. There'd never be anyone who wasn't weird to me, because they aren't and will never be Gray.

"Believe me, I wanted you to know. I wanted the club to know but I dug myself so deep in my lies that I was sure it would only make things worse if I came clean. With you, I wanted to tell you that night at the clubhouse in the back room. But, Ben wasn't out of prison at the time. Now, he is, and he's dangerous. Before, he was a distant threat, now that threat is eminent."

My mouth dries up and I flick my tongue against my lips before closing my mouth finally.

My eyes close and a tear falls onto my cheek, traveling down over my lips, wetting the parched skin.

Gray's foot pushes down on the accelerator, forcing the car faster down the desolate desert road, our only company the full moon hanging high in the sky.

My stomach rolls and I lean forward, placing my feet back on the floor and sticking my head between my thighs, taking deep, calming breaths.

"Callie, I just want you safe. I'm sorry you were dragged into this. I never wanted this for you."

I laugh, a startlingly loud sound that echoes in the floor of the passenger side. "But this is what I got, isn't it? A boyfriend with a secret so massive it actually might kill me and a spontaneous trip to God knows where in the middle of the night." I laugh again, sitting up and throwing my head against the seat.

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now