Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I sit up on the mattress, leaning my back against the headboard and pressing the back of my skull into the wooden panels.

Sighing loudly, I close my eyes, letting memories I've buried deep in my mind flood my vision.

"For starters, before you say anything, let me give you the whole truth. The whole story. Everything. It's long and sometimes boring, but there's a point to it all, I promise."

She sits up beside me, sitting cross-legged and leaning onto her knees with her clasped hands under her chin. "Okay," she nods.

Taking another deep breath to calm my nerves, I feel the panic leave my body.

This is Callie. Callie loves me. She'll understand. She'll understand.

I look to the ceiling, remembering things I've not thought of in years.

"I guess I'll start with my real name. Obviously, Gray Peters is not the name I was given at birth. Gray Peters is just an identity I took on when I got out of prison. But, my real name, the one that my birth parents gave me, is Simon. Simon Hammond." Callie's eyes raise in shock but she does as I requested and stays silent.

"I was born Simon Flynn Hammond in Red Cloud, Nebraska to a couple of heavy meth users. My birth mother, she, uhm... got around, I guess is how you'd say it, and I was her second child by another man. Ben, being the first.

"After me, she had my younger sister, Willow, also by another man. My birth mother went through men like she went through needles and before too long, the state got involved and took us all away, putting us into foster care.

"We were shuffled around a lot, eventually moving to Montana with a foster family that wanted us more than anything. Maria and Ernesto."

Callie smiles, remembering the couple that I took her to meet after the concert back in Vegas.

"Sadly, we couldn't stay with them forever when the two of them had to move to Nevada to be closer to their family. The system had made a special exception for us to be moved to Montana, but they were against us moving even further from our birth mother, who eventually did want us back."

I take a deep breath, finally getting to the part I dread. The names I can barely say out loud because of the failure I feel like I am. I failed them. They're no longer here because of me.

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