Chapter Twenty-Seven

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*If you've ever had a migraine and tried to write, you know how hard this chapter was for me to get out. I'm sorry it's so short but I wanted you guys to have something more before the week ended!*

 I'm sorry it's so short but I wanted you guys to have something more before the week ended!*

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I barely remember to throw the car into park when I pull into Callie's apartment complex's parking lot.

I surely don't remember to lock the doors, let alone close the rusty piece of metal.

I peel out of my car, tripping over my feet, rushing to the entrance and pushing a couple out of the way.

"Hey, fuckwad, watch where you're going!" One of the two shouts after me. Blood is still thundering on through my ears and I block out everything around me except for the beat of my heart and the uneven breaths pouring in and out of my lungs.

The elevator will take too long and the nearest staircase is at the back of the building so I grab ahold of the emergency staircase door in the front of the apartment and pull it open, setting off an ear-splitting alarm that rings throughout the entire building.

Clamping my hands over my ears, I'm met with ringing I know won't be going away anytime soon. The echo within the stairwell is much more prominent and absolutely hard to escape, until I reach Callie's floor and yank the door open, nearly breaking off the barely used door handle in the process.

"Please be here," I mumble to myself, flying down the hallway until I reach her door, not bothering with knocking.

Checking the handle, I find it's still unlocked and I open it, barreling into her apartment with my gun raised, ready for anything.

Flashes of Callie, tied up and bleeding, being tortured by Ben for his own amusement run through my mind. Maybe she's already dead. Maybe she's lying in her bed, her last breath already cold on her pink lips.

"Gray? What the heck is going on?" Callie's sweet, alive voice asks, thawing my frozen heart and easing my fear and anxiety.

"Callie! Thank fuck. Where is he?" I growl the last part, rushing towards her and grasping her shoulders, pulling her into me and cradling her head against my chest.

Her hands push against my chest to create some space between us and she looks up into my eyes that I know show a frantic countenance.

"Seriously, Gray, what are you doing here? And with a loaded gun ready to fire no less." Her eyebrow quirks up and I take a deep breath, pushing her hair off of her forehead and holding her cheek in my palm.

"Callie, where is Ben? I need to know."

She huffs. "He's in the bathroom."

Leaving her standing in the living room, I storm through her bedroom and kick in her bathroom door, breaking it off it's top hinges and causing it to hang halfway off.

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now