Chapter Thirty-Eight

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*So far there are 43 chapters plus an epilogue planned! That could change but this is getting to the end you guys! This is also short, but there are about to be super super long chapters coming up.*


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A cool breeze blows through the open terrace door, the sheer curtains billowing in the wind like a fairytale morning.

Stretching my arms up under my pillow, I bury my face into the mattress, smiling as I feel the warmth of Gray radiating at my back.

Gently, his hands find my hips, drawing my backside into his groin and I find it to be covered in jeans.

Groaning, I question, "Where have you been?"

"Oh, you know, here, there, everywhere." That voice.

My blood runs cold at the raspy voice that doesn't belong to Gray at my back.

Flying from the sheets with lightening speed, I tumble forward, tripping over the blankets after going for Gray's backpack containing his gun.

But Ben is too quick. "Ah, ah, ah, not so fast," he tsks after straddling my back, holding my wrists down against the carpeted floor.

I whimper from his hold, his grip tighter than I can handle and I wonder if he could break my wrists like this.

Kicking up, I try and hit his back with my feet, but to no avail. His feet are pressed into the back of my calves, successfully pinning me down to the floor with no way to get up.

My chest pounds with my heart rate rising and the only thing I can think of to do next: scream.

Wrong decision.

Ben grabs the back of my head, slamming my head down into the carpet and making my vision go dark around the edges, momentarily disorienting me enough for him to release my wrists and wrap a gag around my mouth.

I choke around the dirty rag, the rough cloth biting into the skin around my lips and my cheeks.

"There we go, can't have you spoiling the fun before it even starts." Leaning down, his lips brush against the side of my temple, pressing a damp kiss against my skin that makes gooseflesh rise on my arms.

I'm suddenly very aware of the fact that I'm not dressed and completely vulnerable, with no way to cover myself.

A couple tears slip out and onto the cream colored flooring, staining the old, matted material a dark tan.

Clenching my eyes shut, I try and block out the body over mine as his hands push my hair off of my back and begin rubbing on my shoulders and down my spine.

"I missed you, Calista, it was really rude of you to ghost me the way you did." I can practically hear the smirk in his voice and buck up under him again, but he's an unmovable force on top of me.

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now