Chapter Fourteen

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*I hate that my absence was so long. In case you're not following me or didn't see my messages on my page, I've been taking care of myself and my mental health lately. I've always been very open with my situation and if you're curious, I'll answer any questions. I just hope you all can understand my absence. Enjoy this chapter, my lovely readers!*

 Enjoy this chapter, my lovely readers!*

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I can still figuratively taste Callie's essence on my tongue. Her sweetness has invaded my senses over the week and I've wanted nothing more than to dive back in. To feast on her and live between her thighs.

Her mood swings and cramps had other plans, though.

We've still found a couple of times to cuddle, snuggling up on the couch in the game room, watching movies. And once in my room when everyone was passed out for the night and Sean was on duty at the warehouse.

But, other than that, there hasn't been much touching between us. Sure, we've shared plenty of stolen kisses and secret grazes of our hands against each other, but we still haven't gotten to what both of us truly want.

I wanted it to be tonight, but Callie's shift at the Lounge starts at nine and she's not off until two in the morning. I highly doubt she'll be wide awake and I don't want our first time to be when she's unconscious from exhaustion.

I'm sitting in the surveillance room with Hunter, keeping an eye on all the cameras but making sure I check the front room more often than the others.

Callie's up there with Nicki, taking money and sending people to the back where the dancers are.

Thumping music can be heard from behind the control room's door and I know a headache will greet me by the time I walk out the door later.

Blade is smoking a cigarette, flooding the small room with smoke and I resist the urge to cough.

I don't have a problem with smoking. Hell, I've done it plenty of times myself, but being in an enclosed room filled with the choking stench is killing my lungs one breath at a time.

"Look at this idiot," Blade snickers and points to the screen that shows the VIP room.

One of the dancers is swinging around the pole, her tits out and her legs spread, while the man watching her has his hand down his pants.

It's very obvious he's jerking himself to the woman dancing for him.

It's not uncommon. It happens at least a few times a week. Some people can't wait until they have a moment of private time and decide to 'relieve' themselves right there in the club.

Hunter and Blade never stop it, but if June ever catches someone acting foolish... well, let's just say she's a force to be reckoned with when it comes to misconduct in her club.

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