Chapter Forty

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"I did enjoy our time together, in case you were wondering," Vera giggles, standing up and walking around me again, grabbing my hair and lifting it up and down before dropping it down my back.

I can't speak through the gag, so I don't even try anymore, staring directly ahead at Gray who looks murderous as he watches Vera dance around me.

He's looked like this since stepping foot into the room, but with Vera so close, his expression seems to darken impossibly more. I can tell it's taking everything in him to hold back from screaming uselessly at them both.

Vera's perfume that's so familiar catches in my nose and I think back to all the nights spent partying, all the nights spent together for that month.

I was so lost. So confused. So angry.

Gray and I weren't together anymore. I hadn't even seen him once throughout the entire time.

Meeting Vera... I thought I'd found something in her that could help me get through it. A friend to stand by my side and help me through the rough times.

It only made me miss the signs.

Her craziness. Her wild partying. Her questionable YouTube creator content. Her drug use. Her sleeping around.

I overlooked it all as her just being a wild child, and didn't take it for what it was - lunacy.

There's something seriously disturbed in her head and I didn't see it. I didn't see the gleam of crazy in her eyes. I didn't recognize the fact that she's a madwoman.

I was so distracted with thoughts of Gray and thoughts of us not being together, I fell for a fake friendship only put into place to drive forth the events of today.

"Aww, didn't you also have fun? What about New York? We were the best of pals by that point."

Pain radiates through my leg from the knife still embedded in my thigh and I'm thankful it doesn't seem to be in a place that's fatal. But, it still hurts like a bitch.

"Come on, Callie, you're going to make me cry. I thought what we had was special!" Vera's tone takes on a new octave, her eyes narrowing and her hands clenching as she grows more and more mad with every passing second I don't respond.

What am I supposed to say? That even though she's nuts we did actually have a good time. That now that I know she's nuts I can see our relationship for what it truly was - fake.

"She's not being very polite, now is she, V? Maybe you should teach her a little lesson?" Ben's raspy words meet me ears and my leg throbs in response.

What are they going to do to me?

Is this finally it?

I guess it's not really sunk in just yet. This is the ending Gray and I have been dreading. Been running from all this time. Been terrified of happening since the day we ditched Vegas.

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now