Chapter Twenty-One

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*My 24th birthday is tomorrow and I really hope to get Blade to 1 million!! We're only 2k away!! That would be such an amazing birthday gift!!
P.S. This chapter has MULTIPLE POVs, sorry if that bothers anyone. This was supposed to come out yesterday but renovation inspectors (is that even a thing?) came to make checklists of what needs to be replaced in my home and I got preoccupied.*


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The tears never stopped.

The pain never stopped.

Letha held me through the whole night, stroking my hair and whispering that everything would be alright. That she would talk to Blade. To the club.

But, I know her voice won't be heard there.

She's just an Old Lady. She may get more respect these days, but she'll never be one of the guys.

Sometimes the misogynistic ways of the club really get under my skin, and last night was a prime example.

Thinking of Gray's broken and bleeding face only causes my chest to constrict further, radiating the pain through every fiber of my being.

The silky pillow case is soaked, sticking to my cheek and covered in mascara and foundation.

Letha is asleep behind me but she stirs when my sobs grow stronger, the agony coming back full force for another bout of guilt and shame.

Guilt for not standing up for Gray, even though it would have done no good. Guilt for going behind my family's backs and seeing him when I knew it was against the rules. Guilt for wanting someone when I knew it would jeopardize his position in the club.

Shame for that damned video now posted for everyone to see. Shame for being humiliated by Janis and her heathens. Shame for crying like a toddler in front of the whole club.

"Shh, relax, Callie, take a breath," Letha coos into my ear, holding me tighter while the shaking takes over my body.

I bury my head into the pillow, muffling my cries in the down plush, cutting off my breathing.

I want to die. Or run away. I'm mortified. Never in my life have I been as embarrassed and upset as I am now.

Not only is the only man I've ever loved no longer allowed in my life, everyone who I care about in a familial way has seen me preform pornographic duties to someone they trusted.

I cringe every time I think of the cursed video.

Around three in the morning, Letha got a text from Ryder alerting her that the video had finally been removed and Turner was looking into pressing charges against Janis for posting revenge porn.

At this point, pressing charges against Janis is the furthest thing from my mind.

Gray remains at the forefront and I have a feeling he will for quite some time.

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now