Chapter Twenty-Six

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*Thoughts? I love to debate and discuss with you all!*

*Thoughts? I love to debate and discuss with you all!*

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Knowing that I have to watch Callie come in tonight with her new boyfriend is going to be hell.

Knowing that everyone is going to be watching me to see my reaction is even worse.

I can only imagine the jokes that will ensue about how Callie has already forgotten me or how I never deserved her to begin with.

Running my fingers through my hair, I stare in the mirror, checking over my appearance and making sure I look halfway decent and not the defeated soul I know I am.

I've told myself over the past few hours that I wouldn't let it get to me. I'd sit quietly in the bar, politely nod to Callie and her new boyfriend, but that is it. I won't go out of my way to be overly friendly. I won't introduce myself. I won't give either of them the time of day.

Because I can't.

It will kill me.

I shove my feet into my boots and grab the keys to my bike and car in case I need to make a getaway.

Tonight is a special night for the prospects. Everyone is off duty.

Ash claims it's because we've all been working so hard lately on getting the new shipments from the Australian in and moved, but I secretly wonder if it's so I'm free to sit around so they can poke fun at me tonight when Callie shows up.

Would they really be that vindictive?

Yes, probably.

Either way, it's nice to have a night off to do as I please. I'd take off already, but the morbid curiosity at who Callie is seeing is weighing heavily on my mind and I can't bring myself to ditch out before they arrive.

The nightly festivities are in full swing by the time I come down the stairs.

Stone is plowing some new chick on the pool table while Ryder argues with him to take it elsewhere.

Blade is tossing back shots while talking to someone on the phone, Letha in his lap talking to her friend Talia who's already wasted.

Most of the guys are playing games, smoking, or fucking, but when I see Sean sitting alone at the bar, he's nursing a pint and staring up at the photographs scattered on the wall under the liquor shelves.

I come down the stairs, thankful that no one has noticed me, and make way to Sean and plop down into the stool beside him.

"Can I get you a drink?" Jazz asks and I nod, watching her grab a cheap beer and pop the top off, sliding it down towards me.

I tilt the bottle in her direction in thanks and she grins, going back to serving others while simultaneously keeping the bar neat and tidy.

"You ever think we'll make this wall?" Sean questions, peering up at the countless photos of club members past and present. Most are shots taken here at the bar, but a few are elsewhere.

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now