Chapter Thirty-Five

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Her pussy is still wet when I sneak beneath the sheets and spread her swollen lips with my fingers, slicking my tongue with her juices and massaging her clit with my mouth.

She's still asleep, peaceful, relaxed, her head resting on the pillow, her lips parted on a moan as her body wakes up to my touch.

She stirs only to readjust her hips, but doesn't wake up. I keep going, licking long, slow stripes up and down her slit, filling my mouth with her heady taste. Sliding one of my fingers into her core, I feel her walls clench around it, pulling it in further until I feel that uneven texture of flesh mounded inside of her.

She wakes on a gasp, her hands finding their way into my hair and attempting to pull my head away before ripping the covers off of us. She collapses back into the pillows when I don't stop, her hips lifting from the bed and causing me to bury my face closer into her heat.

I groan deeply at her wetness flooding my mouth and her nails digging into my scalp, creating an arousing bubble around the two of us on this soft mattress in the nice room.

Morning light shines through the curtains and I know we should get a move on, but goddamn if her pussy gushing over my mouth isn't the best fucking thing first thing in the morning...

"Gray!" She breathes, her voice catching and full of desire. Her walls clamp down around my finger, her clit throbs against my tongue, and her fingers rip into my hair.

Looking up, I see her eyes shut tightly in ecstasy as she cums, her mouth parted and her chest heaving with every harsh intake of breath.

Licking one last taste from her dripping core, I pull away from in between her thighs to lay at her side, sliding my hand along her belly to cup the underside of her breast, running my thumb back and forth over her nipple.

Propping my head up with my other hand, I peer down at the flushed girl under me, her reddened cheeks and damp chest causing a sense of pride to fill me, knowing I'm the one who caused this.

She laughs lightly and I smile. "Good morning. Are we going to make this a thing now?"

"Only if you want," I tell her, leaning down and pressing my lips covered in her juices against hers.

She moans, her tongue darting out to lap against my mouth and chin, sucking her cum straight off of my face.

My cock lurches against her hip and all that passes through my mind is burying myself in her body over and over for the rest of the day.

But, we can't.

"We have to pack up and go now."

She whines and throws her hands up, stretching her lithe body, her pert breasts flattening against her chest from the movement.

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now