Chapter Thirty-Nine

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*Yes, Porter being a double agent is similar to Aiden. Yes, I'm aware of it. It's all for the sake of this story. I hope people aren't too bothered by it. I've already received some backlash for it and I know this chapter will only bring more. I guess I'd like to formally apologize for the similarities between 'Blade' and 'Gray'. It was never my intention, it just sort of happened. I'm still proud of these books and nothing will ever change that.*


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The back of my head aches with a throbbing sensation and I can feel wetness soaking down my back. Fresh blood.

It takes me a moment before I'm all there and can finally bring my eyes to open.

I crack them open slowly, the dull ache in the back of my head spreading behind my eyes and urging me to stay unconscious.

But the rational part of my brain - the part that seems to have survived being knocked over the head - is telling me to open my fucking eyes.

I almost wish I hadn't.

Callie is in front of me - a dirty piece of linen wrapped around her mouth and tied behind her head, cutting off her panicked cries. Her hair is messy, partially from the night before and also from whatever scuffle she must have gotten into with Porter and Ben. She's shaking, her whole frame unable to sit still as Porter finishes tying her up.

"Let her go, you fucking traitor!" I roar, trying to rip my arms free from behind me. Ben laughs, bending over condescendingly with his hands on his knees until we're eye level.

"She's not going anywhere, baby bro." He slaps his hand down on my shoulder, smirking, prior to standing back up and facing Porter, waving around the knife in his hand. "Why don't you explain to our mutual friend here what's going on. I'm sure he'd love to be enlightened."

I watch with narrowed eyes as the man who I thought was on my side steps to the side of Callie, a defeated look on his traitorous face. "It started back when I was looking into your case. I was getting close and out of nowhere a message is left on my phone telling me I needed to stop, or else I'd suffer."

He flops onto the edge of the bed, cradling his forehead in his hand and looking down, refusing to make eye contact with the man he betrayed.

"Of course, you know I didn't. I figured out it was Ben who killed your family. I put him away. Got you out. Everything seemed to be fine in the beginning. Weeks passed without any repercussions from my actions, until something finally did happen," he begins to choke up but my jaw only clenches tighter as the dirty agent continues his story. "An acquaintance of his," he motions with his thumb to Ben, "Showed up on my doorstep while I was on a mission up towards the border."

My jaw relaxes as I know what he's about to tell me next.

"The crazy bitch took my husband, Gray. She took him. Right out from under me." Porter's chest begins to heave as he's no doubt remembering his husband being taken from him. "I received a message that he was being held hostage under threat of imminent death if I were to report it. I didn't have any other options, he forced my hand. I... I had to do what he said." He sniffles, wiping away a stray tear on his lower lash.

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now