Chapter Ten

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*Don't hate me! There's a method to my madness. Gray and Callie will find their time! Also, I apologize if Gray's mysterious background is confusing. I promise, everything will be explained eventually. It is a secret for a reason. Before this book is finished, all ends will be tied up!*

 Before this book is finished, all ends will be tied up!*

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Callie's lips on mine was like the ocean before a storm. Calm, but with a burning passion just waiting to be released.

For some reason, all my worries vanished when we were caught up in each other.

It's like she was the only woman in the world and everything else drifted away into the void.

Her body, so small and tight, pressed against mine. Her soft little moans of pleasure as I let my hands trail over every curve, every inch of exposed flesh. Her scent, so overpowering, my head felt heavy with desire. Her soft skin under my palms, smooth and supple. Her lips, so warm and plump, begging to be sucked and bitten. Her body pleaded to be consumed by me with every delicious touch.

It was like nothing I've ever experienced before with anyone.

I know stuff like that happens in movies and bullshit stories from people to make their relationship sound better than it actually is, but damn if Callie's hot young body pressed against mine didn't make me a believer in how amazing this connection could truly be.

I'm still pissed at that idiot, Sean, for interrupting when he did.

It was in the form of a text - well, several texts - but being a prospect means I have to answer all texts and calls no matter the situation. If I don't hit them back up, they're going to assume I'm dead.

And if I don't respond and they find out I'm not dead, I probably will be before the end of the night.

"I have to go," I growl, picking Callie up and setting her back down beside me, placing a few more kisses on her plump lips.

I run my hand over my cock once and close my eyes, trying to will away the pain, but I know it's pointless. The only thing that'll satisfy my need is being buried seven inches deep in her pussy.

Rearranging my erection, I stand from the couch and look back at Callie who has the saddest little look on her angelic face.

"Did I do something wrong?" Her voice wavers a bit and I quickly rush to hover over her, our lips millimeters away from each other.

She shuffles backwards, startled at my quick movement.

"You can never do wrong."

Her cheeks bloom with color and I run my hand along the supple flesh. She sets her palm over my hand and looks down, her golden locks falling onto my wrist.

"Where are you going?"

"Ash needs the prospects. I'll see you after though. It can't be that important." I shrug but know that's a lie.

Gray (Savage Wolves MC) #2 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now