The Pharaoh Festival

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It had been sometime since I had been to the palace. I hadn't been since I was a very little girl. I remember vaguely  I accompanied my father to a private meeting to speaking to the pharaoh about our city. I was too young to really care about politics or rather understand them like I do now.  I remembered being quite bored, and hot I would tug on my fathers arm asking when we would be leaving but he would shoo me away. But most of all I Remember a shy boy hiding behind the pharaohs his back. I remembered how beautiful his eyes were.

That shy boy, was now Pharaoh of Egypt and it was time for The Pharaohs Festival a celebration and welcoming to a new king.

I, Nekita was in my 16th year, daughter of a Lord Mehnet. I was Noble women and daughter of the city of Khem. My father was in charge of taking care of the city. I was engaged to Lord Kissu Al-Uhnet a much older man who I despised the company of. My father made it clear to not speak nor show my distress on the situation as it was "my duty" to him and my city. My arrangement would save my father from debt and continue trade between the two cities. Me, an object traded for some foreign polices. Sadness plagued me, I spend most my time on small walks near the Nile watching families and their children, husbands and wives in love. I was envious.

However, I knew my fate. And I dreaded the night of our marriage with that man.

We had recently received an Invited to the palace to celebrate the new pharaoh. It had only been weeks since we had heard of the passing of our former pharaoh Aknamkanon.  My father had a close relationship to him and was sadden to hear about his passing. He of course accepted the invitation and was excited to see how Aknamkanon's son would rule. He was so fond of our former pharaoh, and had confidence in the prince as the new leader.

We arrived at the palace after a long hot days.

The hot desert was unbearable today. We had traveled by boat which had kept us cooler then if we had traveled by foot. But the idea of the short walk to the palace gates made me ache. I stepped out onto the dock I could feel the heat wrap up from my sandals.  I was covered head to toe in white linen keeping my skin fair. My father was strict on my appearance. I peered out from behind my head dress to see a rich city full of life, and happy faces. My father began to scold me for peeking out and letting the sun in. I let out a deep breath. My last week as a free women I thought I held my amulet around my neck "by Ra,  please help me escape of this"

We met my future husband and his loyal servants at the front gate to the palace.

He was larger than I remembered and hairy. I had only the pleasure of meeting him once when the agreement happened that sealed my fate. He was dressed in a vibrant red linen that i had never seen before and was wearing many decorative jewels, his chubby fingers showed golden rings of shapes and sizes. He was obviously wealthy. My father said he started out as a great merchant before gaining his public image.  I put on a smile trying to remember my fathers words. 

"It's your duty" my fathers voice lingered in my head.

 The lord kissed my hand. "Lord Kissu Al-uhnet I await our wedding day" I said as forced as possible. His cheeky grin disgusted me. As I noticed he wasnt even looking at me he was looking at my breasts.

"As do I my dear," he spoke softly.

"Now, " he put his hand around my father shoulders
"lets head to the palace to get settled my friend!"

I followed behind them quietly as we approached the palace. The palace was enormous. much bigger then our home back home. From the front gates led into a beautiful court yard statues of the gods stood tall.  A smell of frankincense loomed in the air, only to get stronger as we approached the lite palace.  As the sun began to set Torches lit up the place, a beautiful golden glow casted gentle shadows on the walls decorated with pharaohs of pass and stories.  Flowers were placed everywhere creating vibrant colors under the warm glow. As we entered the common place of the palace servants were kindly smiling and bowing. Everyone looked so happy here. I felt sick. This place was heaven.

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