Open Doors

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 "I apologize for the interruption" the shadow spoke from the door way

 Kissu turned hastily "Can't a man make love to his wife?" his voice raising. I couldn't make out who was there. Was it my father? I hope he would talk Kissu out of this, my father would disprove of this I was sure. My hands and legs began to go numb from his pressured grip and weight. I began to frustratedly squirm as I couldn't see who was there over his mass. I tried to move my head to see who was at the door.

"Well, That seems to be the problem the Palace and in all of Egypt it it is forbidden to consummate with your wife before the ceremony." I finally got a good look at the silhouette stepping into the moonlight. I saw deep violet eye filled with what looked to be rage. Kissu quickly jumped up I let out a gasp when he did. I began to rub my wrists throbbing with what felt like pins. I saw the pharaoh take another step towards Kissu eyes practical glowing "Until that day, you are not to step foot in these chambers...or there will be consequences that is an order do you understand?" his voice low and intimidating.  Kissu bowed without question "ye-yes my pharaoh I, must of had too much to drink tonight" He laughed lightly as to make a joke out of the situation. The pharaoh waved his sentence off. His eyes fixated on me "Enough.. head back to your chambers at once." The pharaohs voice more strict. Kissu looked at me his eyes lustful I saw his face twisted with frustration before he mouthed "I will have you" 

"Goodnight my sweet" he said kindly. He put on such a poor act of compassion even a fool would of been able to spot his lies. he left the room without a word. I felt a the tear finally streaming down. but I couldn't stop it now, I was breaking. "I...I don't know what to say" I whispered weakly the pharaoh kneeled in front of me his face now to mine. His were so hypnotizing...looking at them had me completely dazed.

He brushed a tears off my cheek "You don't have to say anything" his hand cradling my face now.

I was embarrassed. I am in front of the pharaoh crying. far too undressed, my hair was down and messy nightwear was uneven. This was crime to a women such as me. The pharaoh stood back up and held out his hand "Come, I wish to show you something" I hesitated but placed I hand in his.

He led me out to the balcony from my room. It was beautiful facing was on the west side of the city small lights in clay houses glittered the sands, the Nile in the distance moving graciously. The moon held up high now.  

"Beautiful isnt it?" The pharaoh turned to me 

I placed my hands on the stone rail "The most beautiful" I smiled taking a deep breath of fresh air. My tears drying in the cool night breeze.

 "My Pharaoh, Thank you" I bowed completely on the ground totally in debt to what he had done for me. I managed to notice a small smile appear on his face "Please rise" he whispered. "there is no need for formalities here"  As rose I felt his hands down my back before pulling me into himself. I blushed hard he moved some of my hair behind my ear I was speechless, "Such a delicate flower.." I felt his warm lips on my forehead "You will be safe as long as you are here" his  concerned eyes looked back at me. He let go my waist and gently rubbing my cheek "Goodnight" he quietly left my quarters I nearly collapsed. What had just happened. I felt like I was floating. He just saved you from kissu. He had no reason to do such a thing. And what about our walk earlier. I sat on the bed "I need to sleep" I let out a soft sigh I finally started to feel safe I crawled into my bed and began to close my eyes his soft words of comfort ringing in my ears.

I awoke right as the Ra had ascended his light began to hit my face the cool morning air was beginning to warm up I heard the birds outside and the soft paddling of water near by.

I stepped on the cool stone and wiggled my toes. I undressed from my nightwear and I put on a new dress today, it was made of a cooler sandy colored fabric embroidered with beetle shells and gold. It was my favorite. I knew today would be hot . I did not plan to be out in the sun at all.  I place a few more items of jewelry and my amulet on me before brushing my long hair out. I placed some hair beads on some of my braided strands of hair.  I stared into my small hand mirror satisfied with my appearance. I groaned with the thought of last night.. I wiped my face  to knock the thoughts out of my head before exiting my chambers. I needed a fresh start today.

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now