~Wedding Night Lemon~

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The night was wonderful we spent much time thanking guests drinking, eating and dancing.
I spoke briefly with my father as he urged me to spend the celebration with my new husband.
He hugged and apologized to me, before kissing my forehead and making plans for tommrow to catch up on all weve missed of each other.

Atem was pretty intoxicated as was I before we said our goodnights and thank you to our guests.

Atem found it possible to hold me bridal style down to our chambers.
Nudging the door open then kicking it shut he layed me down in a field of blankets. His finger tips traced my chin down to my collar bone.

His lips on mine gently parting my mouth his tongue passionate and soft.

His palms cupped my breast my nipples firm from the arousal.

His lips moved my my ear.

"It is been too long...."

His voice was deep tendered with lust

His lips grazed my neck moving down to my breasts where he revealed them.
Excitedly began to ravage me.
Removing every inch of clothing.
Both our body's warmed from wine and lust.

Atem laid down next to me gestering to me to climb on top of him.

I saw his member stood firm and throbbing. I took hold of it and slid the tip into my core wet with anticipation. One quick thirst sent me into a moan as I felt him slam into my body. I began to move with the rhythm of his member moving in and out of me.

I could feel the throbbing against my walls as our touch began to get more intense
Atem sat up bringing me closer and pressed himself deeper inside.
His kisses between my breast and neck sent chills down my body
The tense pressure of love busted as I tightened around him becoming limp.
Atem laid me back to take control quickly thursting in me sending sparks through me.
His gaze did not break mine
As I closed my eyes from the sensations his soft breath whispered

"Look at me"

My eyes fluttered back to his as he released his seed into me breathlessly kissing me.

"I love you..." I whispered

He kissed my forehead

"Oh how the gods know how I love you" he smiled.

We laid in each others arms listening to the world around us.

I thought I was dreaming.

I was blessed by the gods.

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now