The Wedding

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"You look beautiful Niketa" Isis brushed my hair out. My curls ringed to my waist. Isis placed sacred lapis beads through out my hair. She placed a small gold crown on my head beautifully decorated with obsidian.

My dress was off white but still beautiful. Mana painted sacred symbols in gold on my body for good luck  prosperity and health for the wedding.

I stared at my hand mirror the ladies did wonders. I felt beautiful I touched my face I looked like royalty. I hugged Mana and Isis as they were truly the ones to help.

Isis though happy I could tell was still uneasy she seemed nervous. I hope whatever it was it wasn't about today.

I hadn't seen Atem in a few days he had been placed in leave in the desert for a mission. I had been anxiously waiting to see him and today was the day.

I stood out of my personal balcony taking in the air. In the next hours I would be wed.

It was a beautiful day the suns warmth and a soft cool breeze off the Nile gave me a sense of peace I hadn't had in sometime.

As Isis worried about the oncoming of something evil.

Atem riding off into the desert with soldiers and Mahad.

I felt the lingering dread. But I felt an overwhelming sense of need and want.

The Wedding


The hall was decorated so brilliantly traditionally with the goddessess Hathor and Isis overlooking the ceremony.

White linen danced in the wind blue and red petals littered the ground and of course lotus filled large vases.

The whole city seemed to be present outside the palace walls. Inside so many nobleman and women, and allies stood around.

The time had come.

Isis and Mana walked behind me praying to the goddesses.

Atem had his back facing me. His cape was a dark purple his clothing brilliant white and gold. He looked like a king, a beautiful god sent down from the heavens.

Head priest Ankhnatum was to wed us his millennium eye was rather intimidating from recalling the last time I had seen the guardians. The council was behind the Pharaoh arms crossed. They all looked intimidating.

Then. A man stood on my side dressed in red. My father.
How? Was this Atems surprise?
It had been almost 2 years since I had last spoken to him. He casted me out of them and had nothing but disappointment. But here he was, a smile and sparkle in his eyes. This was not the time to catch up but I smiled to him holding back the tears. I had much to tell him, much to catch him up on.

Steps away Atem turned toward me
Flashing the most hands on smile, his eyes seductively hypnotizing me to come closer.

He took my hand

"Never in my dreams would I've imagined you so beautiful" his words soft enough only I could here

I giggled

The ceremony now began.

As Head Priest Ankhnatum began to speak. My eyes were on Atems as his were on mine. The whole room was irrelevant it was just him and I.

"Will you follow in the grace of your love until the time of judgement?"

"Yes" I said

And will you bind your souls together to rule Egypt?

"I will" Atem said grasping my hand tighter.

The priest nodded
"You will walk through the valley of life until your day of judgement"

Atem warm kiss held so much. It was a seal itself his arms embracing around mine his lips did not leave mine. In the moment of his release he picked me up swirling me around.

I heard claps and cheers of everyone within the palace.

Atem smiled

"Let us show the people of Egypt their new Queen"

As we walked out into the setting sun people began to cheer and throw picked wild flowers.

"All hail the Pharaoh and his new Queen of Egypt!"

Shimon announced everyone cheered and chanted.

I felt my nerves wined up. Atem smiled at me reassuring me I was accepted by the people.

I waved

Hearing the cheers and chants I felt appreciated. I felt hope. That perhaps I would be a great queen.

Atem turned to kiss me again. His eyes gazing so softly and his embrace golden.

This was all I needed.


 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now