The Bath House ~Lemon~

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Authors Note: Time for Lemon #1 My first Lemon ever please skip the chapter if you arn't into lemons. Go gently on me ;)

The doors opened into a large room.

Blue and white mosaic tile lined the floor, Vines with beautiful red flowers hung in from the vast ceiling a large bath was in the center. It smelled sweet, yet old. I noticed the room wasn't as Tidy as the rest of the palace. Dead vines and flowers littered the cool stone. Old carving seemed worn out the paint peeling. 

"What is this place?" I asked venturing more into the room

The sun trickled through the ceiling between the vines enough to make mid day look like the sun was setting.

"An old bath mothers" his hand touched the walls

"She died at childbirth" this was built just for her by my father

I looked at Atem his eyes carried sadness.

"I understand what its like to lose a mother" I frowned "My mother died when I was a child." I changed the subject quickly so that wouldn't dwell on a tough memory.

"This place is beautiful, your father must of loved her" 

I felt Atem's eyes on me as I walked closer to the beautiful marbled bath in the center of the room. "'I'm sorry about your mother" he spoke following behind me.

"Don't be..." I said quietly approaching the bath

The marbled bath was spotless, petals from the flowers fallen in, but the bath looked freshly cleaned it smelled of Jasmine and Lily oil.

"Strange" I said quietly Thinking to myself considering this room doesn't look like its being used...why is the bath so...refreshing looking.

I felt soft cool hands behind me move hair off my neck

Warm breath blew on my exposed shoulder a soft kiss pressed on my neck my eyes grew wide

Atems hands came around my waist I felt his mouth move slowly up behind my ear.

"Do you like it..." a soft whisper in my ear before I felt a small nibble

"Yes, I do" I was frozen he knew how to paralyze me with just a word.

"Good," I felt him move back down my neck

"As for your punishment," I swallowed hard he moved in front of me "you are to bathe in front of me" he whispered seductively.

WHAT I screamed in my head, Get naked in front of the pharaoh of Egypt?! I turned pale. This was so...invasive.

"for invading my private domain" his eyebrow rose

Right i thought, rubbing my temples  I can do this, Its just a bath, and face grew red again thinking of how beautiful he looked. I made the justification in my head to calm my nerves. 

I bowed "I agree to this punishment"

"Good" Atems eyes looked soft,

I started to undress

"No, let me...a guest of the pharaoh shouldn't have to undress"

I felt the pharaoh slowly untie my linen wrap "Unfortunately, the slaves are forbidden here" he low soft voice gave me goosebumps

His hands moving the fabric off my chest exposing my breasts, my nipples hardening from the cool air.

I closed my eyes as I felt him continue gently talking off my clothing.

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now