The field of Reeds

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Cold, damp, wet.

It smelled of mildew and death.

slowly stone walls started to appear around the man grabbed my wrists quickly tieing them with rope.

The ropes grip burned my wrists.

Through the corridors I followed this man. I still did not know his name nor his real intentions. However I knew for certain he was up to something evil. and filled my soul with hopelessness there was nothing but evil here. I began to crying quietly the tears fell from my cheeks. No one knew where I was...

Was Atem dead? Or hurt?
Was everyones really soul lost? 

The questions tormented the long walk into darkness.

My mind wandered in doubts in fears I looked down at my stomach. Our child. The daydreams crept in as we descended down into the depths of this place. I tried to imagine all of us together. I tried to stick to my hopes and dreams but my heart only ached.

"We are here my queen" the mans voice broke my moments of peace.

Fire lit up the room, the room was set up in ritual candles and scrolls littered the floor. 

"Welcome to the door to everlasting darkness" the man smirked

In the center of the room  there was a stone sarcophagus with slots where the millennium items were to be placed. 

My heart sank when I watched the man begin to pull out each item into its rightful spot. he had prayed it from the cold dead hands of the guardians...even my beloveds millennium puzzle. 

He was laughing the whole time humming and singing about his victorious achievement.

The man threw open The sarcophagus inside was empty my heart was in my throat now. I could feel how fast it was beating. My body felt like it was on fire  sweat dripping from my forehead.

"Poor poor queen, no one is coming to save you." his palm hit my face so hard I fell to the floor my hands unable to embrace myself I felt the stinging and throbbing all over.

"I'm Suprised the Pharaoh had it in him to provide you with a child."

his squatted near me his knife tipped into the stone near my head. 

"I think its time we have some fun before scraficing you to the great Zorc" he licked his lips

I went pale...

The man pulled at my gown off ripping it to shreds revealing my body. his hands held me down. I was too weak to move. All I could think about was our baby. 

"Please...dont...dont kill the child" I began to beg

The man laughed "I love your pathetic begging"

 he smelled terrible. I began to try to kick him off  

"You smell so sweet and pure.." He licked my neck

I knew what was coming. I wished so despertly to pull me from this life to save me from such torture.

I felt the cold steel between my legs I froze stone cold. It was quiet all I could hear was his breathing and my heart beating begging the gods for help.

He stabbed my insides destroying me blood poored from between my legs 

his laughter placed me with utter terror

He began to soil me, filling me with disgust each moment and movement he set inside. The pain I was in was unimaginable. I began to scream out, begging for it to stop

I could only think of Atem, my tears stung my eyes. Is squeezed them tightly going over in my head the moment I had met the gardens his gentle touch and soft eyes. There was only peace in those eyes. 

The man spat on me as he finished calling me filthy words. I wanted to die right there, blood and undesired lust filled my nose 
He dragged my limp body into the sarcophagus.
He had bruised and cut me in his excitement. my vision was blurry from the blood and tears. I placed my trembling hand on my stomach listening for my baby's heart beat. It was still there. a soft cry of relief left my lips.

"Ah it appears we have company.." The man joked

I heard footsteps rushing down the stone stairs.

My vision was corrupted with blood

All I could hear was a familiar voice stern and fearless. I could not see but hear commotion as a fight had broken out i heard clashing between men..

In moments as it started it had ended.

I felt Atem rush to my side his hand trying to wipe away the blood off my fave. His palm really searching feeling for his son. I heard a sense of relief

"Your okay...your okay" he panted.

He took his cape off to cover me

His lips kissed my forehead
"What has he done to ra what has he do-"

Hot steel flushed through my skin like butter.

I saw the glitter of steel penetrate through me. It was all in slow motion everything around me froze.

The man with the white hair with the last of his efforts stabbed his dagger into me and...our son. I felt life leave me, I felt my heart break as I saw Atems eyes widen before striking the final blow killing the man.

His cries echoed the halls the sound of slopping flesh

"You bastard!"

Atem held his arms trying to stop the bleeding soaking his cape now
It was too late.

I looked down to see the pooling blood pouring out.

Atems eyes looked down he began to scream. A cry I had never heard him make before

" can't.. I won'" his voice trembled.

I layed back feeling cold. I reached out to touch him he grabbed my hand tears flowing fro him face

"Why...why....." His voice muffled

"Atem....I love you.." I mustered to say

I felt his arms around me warm to my cold skin

"Dont leave me...please don't...I need you.."

I smiled lightly

"His name...would be Tuatum" I said my fingers tracing his chin

Atem tried to smile

"We...will...wait for you....In the afterlife...I'm...sorry"

I felt myself become lighter the pain was no longer there I stared at Atems eyes until the darkness took me.

The field of reeds...await for me

To be continued........

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now