Precautions and Temper

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It was already dusk when we returned to the main hall of the palace. Atem had taken some great precautions to keep our experience...a secret. My head was filling with guilt though I enjoyed this lusting attention from the pharaoh. I felt like I had betrayed my father. and Kissu. It felt good, the risk. but I couldn't shake the darkness in my heart.

Before entering the main hall I stopped him

" you feel...we've committed a sin?"

Atem let out a soft sigh before turning back to me "Do you feel guilty of our actions?"

I nodded 

he pulled me into his  arms "I do not regret are...exhilarating" he kissed my hands sweetly

His words put some confidence in me at least for now. 

"Tomorrow, is your last day here is it not?"

"Yes.." It just hit me that I was not staying much longer the reality that this was a small dream. I was to be married soon to a disgusting excuse of a man.

Atem's face grew serious "And did Kissu apologize to you?"

"Ah, Yes how did you know?"

Atems smirked "I had a word with the fool, he will treat you....better" his last word seemed to trail into sadness and yet something sinister.

"We should head back to the others, I don't wish to think of such things just yet, I'm enjoying my time here...with you" I blushed

Atem smile grew at the sight of me.

Opening the door to the main hall I could see My father and kissu were drunk and raving with the other guests...per usual. I wondered if the pharaoh minded all these people acting such a way..even if for a celebration.

"Daughter! Where have you been?" My father rushed too me

"With the pharaoh remember?" I hated when my father drank, he was rather annoying.

"Ah? Right" he drank more from his cup once more

"We have a long trip home tomorrow daughter are you ready?" acting like he was concerned if i was ready to leave. I bit my tong.

I looked at Atem who was making his way up to his golden throne "yes" I said quietly.

Kissu was siting chatting with other guests when he noticed me talking to my father he slowly wobbled over.

"There's my love, I've been looking all night for you" no he hadn't, he was just drunk his large chunky arm went around my waist "Come on join us"

I watched out of the corner of my eye Atem his fists tighten at the throne. I could read the jealousy but his composure was silent as he had an audience. I wondered if he truely felt this strongly about our brief....relationship to be this upset. I sat with Kissu and the other drunk guests. Kissu introduced me to more of his friends and their "Wives" and handed me his glass "drink wife! Drink!" His smile was...unsettling my eyes kept glancing over to Atem, I was amazed how watchful he was being without causing suspicion. Focused and Composed like a true leader. I took a sip of the wine, sweet and fun I closed my eyes thinking of the moments in the bathhouse.. "Sweet and fun" I said under my breath smiling looking into my passionate red wine rippling in my glass. Kissu filled my glass again "More?!" he took a large sip spilling wine all over himself before He let out a loud laugh and smothering me with a kiss. 

My stomach went into knots, now this felt wrong. This felt more wrong than anything. I felt violated instead of tolerate and righteous. Ive been trying to convince myself I had to do this, This was the right thing. But now...This felt wrong.

"ENOUGH" I heard Atem yell out

Everyone looked at him Atem who fell back into his throne grasping his mouth. Oh no..I bite my lip before chugging at the glass "Whats up with the pharaoh?" I heard one of the guests whisper to the group. Kissu Shrugged I took another large sip of wine. This is not good. How was he this upset. I was a engaged women who may of allowed myself to commit a sin out of pure lust, and perhaps to feel some sort of control in my life. But I was still unsure of it. It was thrilling and exciting but....

"I apologize, everyone please continue" he waved on to the guests. 

After a few moments of my anxiety began to kicked up no matter how much wine I was drinking  My face was red from a few glasses I felt myself getting quite drunk I noticed the pharaoh stand  up "I am going to take leave now thank you everyone for coming" 

The guests clapped and bowed as the pharaoh exited the room

"Oh no" I said quietly drinking more from my glass. Should I go talk to him? My worry carried me into another world I wonder what Atem was thinking? did he really feel that much for me? I was a bit disappointing in myself for giving myself was worth it. He was so passionate.

I looked at kissu who was now enthralled watching a dancer, he turned to me "Why don't you dance for me?"

I laughed "Please kissu, I am no dancer" He must be joking I shook my head. Kissu grabbed my wrist "Dance Wife!" he threw me so hard I felt my ankh bent a loud smack hit the floor that was noticeable to other guest. I heard a few gasps from a small crowd of gossipers.

Kissu began to get berating me again "Dance! Dance! Dance now!!!" his hand hand now on my cheek hitting me. He tried to kick me before falling onto the ground. The dancer that was being harassed kindly helped me on my feet. My ankle and cheek throbbing. Kissu tried to stand back up to continue his beating but some of the guests held him back.

"My lady are you alright?" she asked holding me up. 

"Yes," I limped over by kissu and spat on him

"You're a disgusting excuse for a future husband" I sneered. That felt good. 

The dancer and a slave helped me to the hall. I was mad, perhaps it was the few glasses of wine. I didn't care anymore, this was to be my new life, bare his awful children. That man was to be my duty to serve? The servant helped me the rest of the way to my chambers. My body ached from such a hard fall my arm was scratched, my ankle swollen. My cheek was bruised I was sure. 

The servant came in with a bucket of water and a small linen and a jar

"Here my lady for your aches mint water will help ease the pain" 

The servant was kind I did not want to snap on her so I simply nodded instead of properly thanking her. I was furious my fists clenching my blood was boiling. I still hung up on kissu. That awful man. How dare my father just giving me away as some peace offering. I felt alone, me against the world. why had the god cursed me with such a responsibility. 

The palace doctor has been notified and will be here to check on things. the Servant spoke again She wrapped my ankle up the mint was refreshing and cool and did help with the pain. But all I wanted to scream.

I became overwhelmed with my emotions and laid back on my bed, tears in my eyes from the the acknowledgement that I had to go home tomorrow. I closed my eyes imaging the pharaohs violet eyes on mine. His eyes will be with me for eternity I thought. 

I heard the door fly open

I sat up "Kissu?!"

But it wasn't kissu

It was Atem, hands balled in fists eyes red burning with rage.

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now