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I awoke to a cool breeze through the balcony. How long had I been asleep? Was that all a dream?

I looked down to my hand

A ring band decorated with gold. Small carvings of Isis Osiris decorated the outside stared back me it was beautiful.

I sat up too look around before touching my feet on the cool ground.
I was here.

I felt a kiss on my shoulder and the light grasp of my hair tangled and messy

"Your awake..." I heard a low whisper 

Turning to see Atem his chest seducing me his gaze making my face red. It had been weeks since I had awoken to him next to me.

"How long was I sleeping?" I asked

"Only a few days...." his voice trailed "I wasn't sure you would ever...come out of it" 

"A few days?!" my eyes lit up "What happen?"

"Shhh beloved" Atem pulled me to his chest "Calm down I will explain"

My fists clenched "Why did that?!" My tone was annoyed "How did seto find out so much?"

Atem pulled my face to his "They thought they were protecting me. But really...they have disappointed me. They had no right to peer into your soul. Judge you. " I saw his eyes fill with rage " I have made them step back for the time being, you don't need to worry about them anymore. They are upset by my actions but they do not understand."

"They are right though....I..." My thoughts led me to that moment in the darkness

"You mean nothing to me"

Atem shook his head "Do not worry, you dont need to worry about such matters"

His lips pressed against mine "They will come to love I have come to love you."

I nodded slowly

The shadow plains...made me so....cold..

"Shall I prepare you a bath?" His eye brow raised

I smiled "Only if my king joins me"

Atem grinned "As you wish"

The bath water was warm and smooth steam settled over the bath

Sinking into a bath prepared by atem was the most sentimental moments I had, he would rub my shoulders and brush my hair, nuzzle my neck with kisses. It had been some time since we had been intimate.

"I miss you" he kissed me I smiled "I've missed you too"

I wrapped my arms around his neck leaning against him warm and safe.

Suddenly the doors to the bathhouse flew open

I screamed Atem moved in front of me to cover my body

"What's the meaning of this?" Atem demanded

Mahad stood before us looking away

"I am sorry pharaoh...and" his eyes widened "my queen..." Pharaoh you are needed urgantly in the court. We've received...." he paused glancing over at us "I did not realize our queen was awake. I am sorry to have barged in, you are needed pharaoh I will be outside waiting" Atem rubbed his temples before turning back to me "and to think...I would get sometime alone with you" he said under his breath.

He climbed out of the bath and grabbed a towel "Stay here, relax. We have much to discuss regarding our wedding" He shot a smile that reassured me again everything would be okay.

I nodded "Of course my love" I reached my hand out to him he kissed it before heading out.

I layed back heart fluttering I just wanted him. I didn't care anymore what anyone else thought. The people would come to love me. Atem was right. 

I would show them.

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now