Shadow Game

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"What...." I said this person is absolutely mad! 

"heh...heh..heh" he laughed "you see, tonight you will go to him...and offer ultimatum"

"an ultimatum? can't be serious"

"Oh but I am my dear...if he wins the game, he can get on with his life your hand in marriage and fill his life with riches beyond his dreams....but if he loses..." His eyes grew wild

"His soul will be mine, and you will have him out of the way..."

"what about my city? that's what this really comes too" 

"Is it?..hmmm heh heh heh" 

"What? whats so funny" 

"Ill cut you a deal...You get me Kissu's soul and I will give your city and father riches your city wont be looked so down on...I thought you didn't care....Nekita" 

How did he know my name? my eyes grew "I....I.." I needed time to think

"Nekita, I don't have all day, the deal is on the table..."

"tell me more about...this game!" I demanded

"That's not part of the deal" he smirked

I took a deep breath...this could be my get out of all this..

I nodded "Fine...we have a deal" I held my hand out

The stranger smiled "My name is Akefia...and I am the king of thieves"

He grabbed my hand and squeezed tightly "If you break soul will be mine is that clear?"

I nodded carefully. 

"wait!" I called out "how did you know my name?"

Akefia laughed before retreated back across the Nile onto his horse before galloping away into the desert.

Chills sent down to my bones. i sensed nothing but evil in that man. King of thieves? I've never heard such a thing.

I had many questions go over my head. What was a shadow game, he didn't tell me how to play or what to do....just challenge kissu to it. Could I trust him?

I shook my head "What really do I have to lose?"

It was getting late and I knew I had to get home and then....go to kissu. 

My father was delighted to see me when I returned 

"Kissu has come over for a visit! before your big day!" 

I smiled "Great...I will join you shortly" 

I headed to my room pacing I do this with my father around? Do I ask him to join me in my bedroom? I didn't have time to think about this. I had to do this.

I called for my father 

"Could you tell kissu to come to my quarters, there's something i wish to speak to him about"

My father smiled "of course" 

How pathetic...he was so happy that I was to be with this man...he didn't even care to see the pain he was putting me through. I was nervous, If I lose this game....I couldn't bare to think about it. I had done everything to delay this wedding and now this was my last shot.

I heard Kissu come in "you wanted to speak to me? my love" 

"yes....its about tomorrow"

"You are to be my wife, do not think of trying to get out of this again Nekita...I have waited long enough!" his hand grabbed my arm "I've had enough of your excuses" 

"I challenge you to a shadow game" I spoke clear as day

The room grew dark as if the sun had been stripped off the sky my quarters turned into a room black and purple colors swarmed the side. there was a table in the middle of the room. 

"What have you done!" I heard kissu yell from the table. I noticed now we were both stuck at this table "Where did you learn this magic?" He yelled again I had never seen such fear in this man. Though I was afraid myself I was satisfied he was so uncomfortable. 

The game is called "The pendulum" I heard a voice in the shadows. 

"You each will get a deck of cards, and who ever gets closest to 21 is the winner. "

Thats not so bad....I thought

"As the winner you have a chance to try to hit your opponent with the pendulum. the first one to die loses" 

WHAT? DIE? Is this some sort of joke?! I swallowed hard.

Kissu wouldn't stop screaming for help. What a coward. 

"Kissu! Stop!"

Kissu stopped only to glare at me his teeth grinding

"You, this is your fault who put you up to this"

I shook my head "It doesn't matter now...lets play"

Kissu wouldnt shut up, his panicked voice and fumbling had really made me angry.

I picked up 3 of my cards. 10,3,5 That comes to 18. 

I let out a sigh of relief. okay

"18" I threw the cards down

I saw kissu Fumble with his cards

"19" He said throwing down his cards, "Now" he held the pendulum in his hand "Time to get rid of you, and your pathetic excuses, you would of made an awful wife" I took a deep breath holding it as he let go of the pendulum it swung quickly grazing my cheek. I winced and pressed my fingers to it I was bleeding.

I Glared at Kissu "I am not going to lose" I said under my breath.

"Damn...I was close" Kissu laughed "You wicked snake, if you wont be mine, then no one will"

What was happening here, I felt darkness in my heart, and Kissu. Though he was an awful man, he had never been this cruel to me. and I had never.....felt so....passionate and driven by hate before. This game was doing something to me. 

I picked up another 3 cards 3,5,6

Oh no...chest sank. 

"14..." I said nervously.

"HA!" kissu laughed "16!" he threw down his cards laugh more and more.

He grabbed the pendulum and again took a swing. it missed me completely that time. I knew my time would be running out if I didn't get him.

I took a deep breath and reached for my 3 cards

"10,10,1" 21 

"21" I smiled throwing my cards down

Kissu groaned "no!..12" he began to laugh "go on women try me" he edged on

I carefully embraced the large pendulum carefully examining it...I realized the problem Kissu was having...the pendulum needed to be pushed from the left...not the right. I let off a big push.




I heard the pendulum slice through his head. He didn't even get the chance to scream or beg for his life. Blood came pouring from his skull. I had killed a man. I had felt a strange sense of power now. I was free I felt a sense of contentment. Did I finally win?

"well....well..well...done" I heard Akefia speak coming from out of the shadows slowly clapping

"who knew you had it in you?" his eyes flashed wildly seemingly taking it as a joke 

I glared at him

"well a deal is a deal" I heard him laugh again "well keep in touch" he laughed again.

I opened my eyes I was in my bed...was I dreaming? or 

is Kissu really dead?

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