Seto's Judgement

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There was outrage at the palace. when we arrived. The priests had taken the choice to run the kingdom while the pharaoh was investigating causing a lot of arguments among them.

I Hadn't met many of the Atems Faithful Guardians: The Millennium Priests or knew much of the magic that the palace held. I did know that they were a Committee selected by the magical items themselves. I wanted to ask Atem about it, especially his Millennium Puzzle but had yet to have such a serious conversation.  I felt this was not the right time.

As Atem and I approached the palace the guardians surrounded us.

"My king what have you found? why didn't you let one of us join you??" One of them asked Seemingly nervous to ask such a question He carried what appeared to be a large key..

Atem shook his head"It appears to be a simple assassination. Kissu was a high profile he had many friends...and enemies" he placed his hand in mine.

"Pharaoh Atem, My dear king You cant be serious? This could mean more danger, there is talk of a rebellion in the east, perhaps this is just the beginning. Seto Spoke clearly agitated. I knew of Seto, he was one of the most proud and diligent of the priests but he was also the most cruel and punishment driven. he took noticed to Atems hand in mine and it was immediately clear he did not approve. 

"Pharaoh, please forgive me...but is this not the women who was to married to Kissu today? parden my bluntness but what exactly is going on here?"

"Heh" Atem Smirked before pushing Seto aside "Please return to your tasks" 

The priests were all in a frenzy trying to understand the actions of the pharaoh. Suspicion of my presence grew them into a worry. Providing a queen for the kingdom was expected but not so soon. He was still learning to be a good leader, and these types of relationships were frowned upon until the 18th year of birth.

Atem had the servants prepare us a meal as I hadn't eaten in a day or so I was starving. We sat in the dinning hall talking about little topics like the weather and the trip, Though we had been together in one way. We hadn't had much conversations I found myself shy around him still somehow. Finding myself to be falling for him more and more.

I took notice that Seto was irritated when he approached the table "My king, may I speak to you?" 

Atem looked at Seto...slightly annoyed before looking  at me "Excuse me, I must attend to this" 

I nodded I surely wouldn't get int between his duty as pharaoh.

I heard Seto and Atem getting into an argument though they may of thought they were out of ears grasp The halls echoed 

"My king you are making a mistake, this is going to put damage on our relations with both those cities, we have a rebellion upon us, and we are having signs of trouble in the kings valley but nothing evident yet. we don't need a rebellion over your choice of  women. Rumors are flying that she may of been been the one to kill kissu she--"

Atem spoke with such certainty it gave me chills "Seto, that's enough, I understand I need your concerns, however you are looking in the wrong places. I cannot be parted from her she is more than some women i lie with. I believe I have found myself in love with her" 

Seto's mouth dropped "IN LOVE WITH HER? ARE YOU NUTS?" he smacked his head into his palms "By the gods you have never shaken this impulsive rebellious side my pharaoh. please take time to think on this...if you plan...on having her be...a queen....we will surely have many angry citizens"

My heart fluttered A queen? A servant arrived with some fruit to snack on while I continued to listen

"King..please be weary...I don't want something bad to happen to you I don't want to see the great country of Egypt fall apart" Seto placed his hand on Atem's shoulder

Atem nodded Placing a firm grip on Seto's  in return"I know what I am doing...Please...excuse me"

Atem arrived back at his seat 

"Is everything okay?" I whispered

Atem nodded "Yes, everything is fine.." 

I was able to rest in our quarters now, The massive bed and beautiful warm tones made me feel at home. I was certain that Seto was suspicious of me now, I wondered if he would listen to Atem and look else where..or...Seto seems rather stubborn....If he...I gulped...would Atem be able to really protect me?

I left my hair loose and wore my night linen before laying in the big comfortable gold bed cool sheets and soft pillows I didn't want to leave this bed forever.

"Oh how I've waited many moons to lay in your arms once again" I heard Atem walk into the room.

I smiled "come lay with me" I pat the empty space near on the bed

Atem crawled in the bed laying his head on my breast taking a deep breath.

"How did I go so long without you beloved?....... your smell"

He began to breathe me in "oh how i missed " I felt  his soft breaths warming my neck.

His arms cradled around me his head nestled into your hair breathing me in like I was the air for his lungs.

"My queen," he mumbled

"I love you.." he kissed me 

"I love you too" I pulled back smiling.

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now