Queen or Not to be

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Atem...seemed distracted lately
Ever since a meeting he last week.
He wouldn't speak to me about it he would hush my worries and hold me.

Today I found him sitting in the open window of one of the halls. Lost in his thoughts he had grown distant.
He told me we would talk of a wedding arrangements. Yet failed to do so in the follow weeks I began to get more and more worried.

"..Atem...My love" I placed my hands firmly on his face "where are you lately?" Atems eyes looked from mine
"I want...to give you a beautiful life...I want to keep you safe but I cant make that possible yet.." His voice quietly spoke

I frowned "is there talk of war?"
Atem placed his hand on his forehead running it through his hair
"Perhaps...a type of war"

Before I could ask him anything else he walked away. I felt my heart break. Why wouldn't he speak to me about it.

I found myself spending days in my bathhouse chambers, reading and writing. Trying to prepare myself I wanted to prove to everyone I could be a queen. Since the millennium council seemed to doubt me. I spent so much time I started to sleep there. Atem rarely would come to me. Sometimes he would stand in the door way watching me his eyes sad.

Every time I went to him he would turn away I started to wonder if he too doubted me.

I spent the afternoon walking along the Nile. I needed to get out and get Air, I needed Ra's rays to enlighten my spirit. As I felt tired and weak from my own emotions.

I found a spot that seemed perfect to sit and have the warm waters brush on my toes. I place my head on my knees and began to trace the sand in circles. I truly felt lonely now.

I sat there quietly humming to myself

"....Ive been looking for you..."

I jumped snapping around to see Atem his shadow towering above me.

I turned away from him

"That's unexpected of you..." I said irritably.

Atem sat next me his eyes cast out towards the Nile

"I am sorry for....how I've been treating you..."

I crossed my arms over my knees hugging myself tighter
I felt Atem touch my hair before kissing the side of my head.

I ignored him. It just seemed lacking emotion behind his apology

He put his arms around me pulling me closer. And whispered into my ear softly

"Isis...predicts something awful is going to happen. I've been trying to hold off the wedding...but I feel I've been pushing you away you have a right to be irritated."

His fingers twirling my curls
His eyes were searching for some reaction but I stared blankly at the ground...

"What danger?" I asked "is that why she hasn't been around?"

Atem shrugged "Isis is unable to pin point it. It seems to come and go..she senses evil. Shes- "

I turned to face him now

His eyes seemed to light up

"So what now?" I raised an eyebrow

Atem relaxed

"We shall make you my Queen in few days time...I've taken upon myself to arrange everything"

He winked at me

"I believe you'll enjoy the surprise"

I smiled lightly still worried but now rather excited

"So you actually think? I could rule as a good queen?"

Atem's eyes grew worried
"Do you think I've doubted you?

I nodded

Atem stood up pulling me up to be with him.

"You...are strong and brilliant. Though the council may disagree. They have not seen you as I do."

He kissed me slowly stroking my hair as his soft lips comforted mine.

"My beloved...you are so much more then you give yourself credit for.

He pushed me down in the sand playfully. A heron passed by in the sky as I looked up distracting me a moment before Atem is on top of me playfully kissing my neck and check.

I giggled.

The sand was warm and Ra's light was becoming hot. The cool breeze of the Nile made everything feel better Atem rested his head on my chest. Softly breathing.

"I couldn't tell you how long I've just wanted to lay with you" Atem spoke rubbing my arm with his finger tips."

I kissed his head

"As have I..."

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now