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I held her.

I felt the life leave her body.

My queen. My son.

Blood was my garment I felt myself grow numb. All that I had loved was gone. I held her crying until I felt a soft tap on my shoulder.

It was Mana her eyes carried tears too as she shut my beloveds eyes shut.

"Atem...we must go...the city...needs you...your people need you.."

Her words were cold and hollow to me. I could feel nothing

"What...can I possibly do.." I asked

Mana stared off for a moment.

"Your millennium puzzle...has the power to take down the evil...but at a price.."

Her voice faint

"Your father told Mahad that if it came to it...you would sacrifice your soul, and name for the sake of good to protect the kingdom..."

I felt sick. I looked back at Nikita

"Would I see her again...will we be together in the field of reeds?" I asked

Mana shrugged "I'm not sure what will happen...but...you must....you have to...Egypt needs you"

I had a duty...she was right...
I looked at Nikita kissing her forehead one last time

"I promise to spend eternity to find you again...we will be together....we will"

 My Beloved  {Pharaoh Atem X Reader OC} Lemons+Where stories live. Discover now